5 Chapter

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"Styles I know I'm not supposed so ask this, but can you stay a little bit late today please pretty please? There's no one here. everybody already left..." Oh no, please.

"Oh Ryan, I really can't tonight. I've already stayed too late and I'm late. I had to pick up my children at five pm and it's past fifty-five munites." I try to explain myself to him as best as I could.

"Pretty please I was late this morning and the chief told me I have to finish my work before midnight. Please help me I have to make a lot of photocopies, post outgoing mail, complete banking tansactions sort and distribute incoming mail, sigh for deliveries and send faxes. I also have to make out paychecques, inventory in other words, before tomorrow. Seeing that you're our supervise, you can watch me and tell me what went wrong while helping me. I will invite to dinner and I will do whatever you want me to do."

I know I'm supposed to take the kids after, but I also know what it is like to have a lot of work at night. It's so tiring and you'll feel numb just by the thought of this.

"You know, usually I don't mind if I have nothing to do or if the kids are with their nanny." I can help him. But, next week, he'll have to do half of my job or all of my job for the whole week. this I am sure. He said it himself, he'll do whatever I want him to do. so there's no going back.

"Please..." I will help him. But the kids. I somehow know that Derek's parents will be watching my kids with pleasure and without questionning about it.

They used to pay me visits when I was pregnant and a few months after birth. Somewhere in times they got the news that I was carrying their Only son's children. I asked them how did they know, and of course Tyler my sister told them. The traitor. She could never have her mouth shut. Now I'm starting to think that she's the one who told Derek about the twins.

"Okay wait I have to make a phone call." He smiles knowimgly at me.

I take my phone from my pocket and wonder if I should call or nah. I don't have their numbers. But I could still find it on the net. Seeing how popular they're I'm pretty sure I could find everyting about them on the net. All I have to do is go to Google write Derek Hale, and everything about will come. Okay not personnal thisng, but you get what I meant.

Or should I call my sister to pick them up and stay with them for a little while. But I can't, she supposed to enjoy her day off without her kids nor work. I know what it is like to want to enjoy your days without having to deal with children. Just relax.

"Hello, this is Judith for hotel H services, how may I help you?" I nervously bite my bottom lip, not knowing what to say after hearing a woman voice. I don't know it is possible to reach him in anyway possible. "Hello?" The woman asks again.

"Oh hello, I was wondering if it's possible for me to speak with Mr. Hale please." What a dumb question. I don't know if he's at his office at this time seeing that he had to spend some times with some children and I don't know why he asked for this? I mean if he wanted to spend time with Oliver and Olivia he should have just asked.

Okay, maybe it's not that easy to ask, but where did the jerk, somehow arrogant and selfmade Derek go? He was always proudly confident back then.

"Huh, may I know who's asking please?" Should I give my name?

"Mhh yes. Mr. Sty- I meant it's Styles." Why am I even suttering?

"Oh yeah, Styles Mr. Hale told me you're going to call at somepoints. I think he knew that you'll be late. it's for the kids right? If so, he left me his personal number for you to reach him. Which is the first time by the way. Do you want me to give you his number so you ahould call him from there?"

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