13 Chapter

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"I want to feel you inside of me."

"We just had sex a few hours ago Sty."

"EXACTLY!! A few hours ago. very long to me."

"Sty, you're starting to make me worry about you more and more. Wha-.."

"Shut up and fuck me." I tell him as I push him againt his bedroom wall and start to let my mouth exploring themselves on his neck.

We've been living in his house, I mean, mension. for two months now. And as expected Oliver and Olivia are so happy. My sister came and took them to my mother house so they could spend time with Clara because my mother have been missing all of her grandkids and she has some stuff to do with her man. The twins have been spending a lot of time with Derek's parents which I was happy. Tyler brings her daughter sometimes when she wants to enjoy herself either alone or with some of her friends or her hunsband. And his parents are always happy to welcome their grandkids cousin.

I might not or might know what's wrong with me because I've been there before. I have been having all the symptoms that I have been experiencing and know them all too well. I just don't want to recongnize them. Kind of afraid of the results eventhough I know what's going on with me. Okay lie. I know very much what is it. I bought a test a week ago and I forget where did I put it.


"I think I know why I have been acting crazy but I'm afraid of telling you or I just hope that this time you won't act like before." I find him sitting on his office. I finally decide to to talk after a few munites of silence, the only thing we could have heard was the papers being toyed.

"Derek please. If you so much love me which you've been convince me and I saw and still see how much you regret and been so sorry to me. Please, if you ever react like when we were young, I will leave this house and go back to where I was and do everything myself and I will never look back. But this time, I will forget all about you, erase you from all my memory and you won't ever dare to come in my life again. I'm carrying." I breath out after talking that much.

Waiting for him to say somthing, is really testing my patience and I won't get nervous as the other time. This time if he does the same thing he did before, then that's his loss. I won't cry. Yes it'll hurt and it will surely be disappointing. But then I'm starting to be so used to him being so sweet, so caring, so loving to me that I'm a little bit afaraid of what might come from his mouth.

Strangely, now I trust him so much and I know he won't let me down this time.

"I know. I saw the pregnacy test on Olivia's drawer." I'm so glad that he found out but how did it ended in Olivia's bedroom?

"Ho-how did it gets itself there? I-I-I me-mean..."

"Olivia told me she found it onntop of the toilet bowl and she curiously picked it up. She wanted to show you what she found but she forgot. And I knew right way that it was yours once I saw those two lines drawn on the pregnancy kit..."

"So..?" I ask nervously.

"So what?"

"What do you mean so what? Freaking tell me what's on your mind asshole."

"Oh Sorry babe. You got me confused for a while. Aaand for your information. I want to celebrate this news." I know he's happy. "I love you I love you I love you I love you so so so so much much much much." I giggle as he keeps giving me his attention on my soft lips. "I knew you are pregnant. And this time, there's no way that I will run away, there's no way that I will leave you carry all of this by yourself. This time I will be with you and help you though it all. This baby and hopefull others kids that we will be having in the futur. I. Wil. Be. With. You. Through. It. All."

He continues on kissing my lips and my forehead and so my neck.

"Okay..." I smile innoncently playing with my fingers.  "I'm horny now... I want you to fuck me..." He gives a little laugh through the kiss that makes my lips vibrate with his all long.

"Yes captain..." He lifts me up and brings us to to his room.

"Wait..." I say stopping him from walking. "Let's have sex in your office. It's been long time." And he brings us back to where we were in the first place.

"I will make love to you. Slowly. Tendrely. Softly. Untill you can't anymore and beg me to do as you please."

He puts his head inside the big t-shirt that I'm wearing, which I think it's his, caressing my belly.


"I've called my family doctor and informed him about our situation. I mean about you being pregnant. And me being a father to another child."

"Are you that happy? Did you freak out?" I ask as I put my head on his chest.

"Yes I am, and no I didn't freak out. I was in paradise when I found out actually. Come here" He says as he takes my face and approaches to his. "The kids are still at your mother's, what should we do?" He then kisses my head. They've been there for four weeks now.

"Mhhh... se- ugh who's this?" I was cut off by the doorbell.

"I think it's the doctor."

"This soon." I say questionningly but he ignore me and goes toopen the door.

"Styles!!" I politly smile at him. "Let's go straight to the matter." Good because I don't want to hear people talk. I'm still horny.

"Yes! Good idead. Come here babe." I blush. Why is he like this in front of people.


"I think it's best you start to follow pregnancy appointments at the hospital. I have already designated everything to a nurse who takes care of birth and pregnant people. All you have to do is to go and introduce yourself to him and he will know it."

"Oh, and from all the tests I have just done here, I can immediately see that you are now four months pregnant. Other than that, call the person I told you about, he'll be able to tell the sex for the 6th month. And he will tell you others good spicies informations." He says as he start to get up while arranging his stuff in his backpack. "And I would love to stay but I'm at this point of me to sleep on the coutch tonight."

"Of course no problem. Believe me I totaly get you. I have been there for so many times." I give Derek a dirty look to make him shut up and it totaly works.

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