11 Chapter

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I seriously can't support this anymore. It's too much. I want something else. I need something else. I want something he only has. I want something that he only can offer me. I want something that I have been craving all those years. I want something I have had one one day or night. Something that we both did on his birthday.

With that in mind I just start to undress him. I was already naked. What's the point of me undressing him if he was already naked. Maybe not. He still has tha bathroom towel wrapped so well around his waist. And I'm also half naked because I still have my shirt on. I try to get up when he decrease the plug intensity and start to unbutton the rest of the boutones that still on.

I smile as he watch me closely with lustfull eyes that match mines. I look at him again when I already unbutton the last one and let the shirt down on the floor. I look down at it then look up only to realize he wasn't on the bed. He was sitting on my desk again. And again with his hands crossed. AND AGAIN he looks so freaking sexy.

But, this is not the point right now. I'm confused as to why he put a space, a big fat space that I don't like between us when it was so clear than water that I wanted to feel him. I've have enough with the butt plugg inside my ass. I go on my knees on the bed and get ride of it. A little shudder leaves my mouth as I do so. My ass is now avide and want something from him.

Okay I want to have sex with him. I look up at his posture trying to study his every emotion. I want to see if I'm not the only who's feeling this way. I want to know if he also feel this strong need to feel me around him. And right now by the expression of his face, he's making me doupt myself. That little confidence that I had left, have been long gone. Just because I don't know if he wants the samething as me.

I thought, maybe, jus maybe, we were at the same page. Or maybe he doesn't want to do anything sexual to me. But he just watched me playing with myself with that butt plug. And he was the one that was enjoying the show more than me actually because he kept playing with the remote and playing with my body, touching me every where, leaving kisses where ever his  sensual mouth would caress.

So I just have to do my best and seduce him. He will fall for me. And he will fall for my seducing games on his body.

Without forgetting that he helped me come with his hands while his mouth kept leaving kisses on my manhood.

I slowly try to get up from the bed, trying my hardest to do a few step till I reach him on his level. On my tip-toe, I try to reach his height, but come to vain because he's obviously taller than me. He always has been taller. As you can tell. I stop at his chest and touch crossed arms, trying to undo them so I could leave butterflies kisses there and he undone them but I don't kiss it. I crave for his lipss. I look at his eyes and get captivate by them right way.

I avoid his eyes only to get my attention steal by his lips. I feel his breathing embrassing my face and his nose carressing mine. I know he wants to kiss me, as he's approaching his lips to mine. I give a little smile from the corner of my mouth and I purposely avert my face away from his eyes and pay a visit to his neck. I kiss his adam apple and leave hickeys on his neck.

"Oh! Leave marks on your territories. I see!!" I smile at his remark and happy that he gives me access to his neck. Even more yet, to the rest of his body. He says again. "Mark me make people see that I'm taken by you and I strongly only belong to you." Surprisingly, I'm not surprised at the choice of his words, because yes he longs to me.

I trace his abs with the help of one of my hand untill it touches his V line while the other is playing with the back of his head as I keep on kissing his neck, his shoulders, then back to his neck, then back to his shoulders. I'm addicted to his body. Sue me. I hear him groan and I'm so sastified that I still give him pleasure.

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