2 Chapter

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"Hurry hurry Mommy, we're late. Mommy!!!" Olivia keeps on whining as she takes my right hand from the passanger door.

We are about to go inside untill I realize that I left their papers with their questions on it. I lead them inside the building and I tell them to wait for me here.

"Please don't go anywhere. Please wait for me okay? I forgot your things in the car." I tell them as soon as I saw a free bench in front of the secretariat. I ask the girl who I always see sitting here, to keep an eye on them for me.

"Olivia, don't do your puppy eyes on people? and Oliver don't allow your sister to get people to do whatever she wants. Or don't use her do the puppy eyes for yourself. Do you guys get it?" I ask them seriously. I know when they want somethung that people aren't giving them, they use one their biggest weapon to get people to accept. And making puppy eyes, is one of them.

"Okay Mommy." They answer me back in syncro with their pouty lips.

Gosh, they're so freaking cute.

"Don't do any of your weapons today okay? Cause as you said, today it's a special day, If you use that to get what you want, that'll be cheating. And what did I told you guys about cheating?"

"To used our own head and no cheating." They say in syncro again.

"That's it love you. Now wait a little bit for me" I say proudly after hearing their answers. I mean, they had to know the line by heart. Because everytime they did something wrong, I have to make them repeat what they did wrong and replace it with a correct action.

"Mommy I think we..." Olivia starts to say but I cut her off by kissing her forehead and then do the same to her brother.

"What did I just said earlier baby... I said wait okay." I playfully tell her as I go back to the parking lot to take their preparations.

The weather is really nice today. Sunny but not so sunny. Cold but not so cold. Just a little bit chilly. But they say that it's going to be a little bit cold this afternoon. I take my phone off my back pocket and go straight to the weather app to check up about today and tomorrow just to be sure so I could go back home to take the necessary and bring them for my children.

I don't even pay attention to where I was putting my feet untill I bump into something. I didn't even realize that I was already standing next to my car.

"They said it's going to rain this afternoon if that's what you're checking up to make you lose control of your feet." I heard a chearful voice say. Oh fudge.

Please Lord let me guess it wrong. I carrefully and slowly lift my head up just to verify what my stupid brain is guessing. Of course..

Why didn't I guess it before. The guest. The special or the so important person.

"Jackson..." I call him as soon as it was clear for me but still hoping I was wrong. "What are you doing here?" I ask suddenly becoming nervous.

Wait if he is here? That means... Jackson and Derek were friends in high School. I don't know if they were close close close friends, but I justknow that they had a strong friendship that I wasn't a part of it. Everybody loved being with Derek or in his presence. He was in everybody's presence except mine.

How could I be in his presence when I was just his toy to play with. He never consider us friends, imagine best friends or boyfriend. I was the one who pretty much make him into things. Now that I think about it, he wasn't into me back then even now I'm sure. It's like we slept together because I was so desparate to get him to be m first. I was the one always ruinning things for him. Never I was enough for him even if I tried really really really hard to be, to do, to say what he wanted so I could at least be good for him. I wasn't good enough though. Maybe I didn't try hrd eneough too.

The thing is, whatever I did for him wasn't never enough for him to at leat appreciate me.

No No No No. I quickly open the passanger door of my car to get what Oliver and Olivia forgot in the car only to find nothing.

"Wait wait wait wait. Styles Wait up!!! What's the rush?" He keeps on calling me but I didn't pay him any mind. The only thing my mind was on is ; praying and hoping that my twins didn't see him or him running into them.

Gosh no no no. I start to walk quickly back to the building and I could still hear Jackson following me.

"I saw the kids. I mean you kids. They so much look like their fat-" I stop walking right way and turn aroud to face him.

"Where is he?" I deadly ask him trying my best not to look so scared of what will be happening next.

"Where is who?" He asks then seems to catch on when he sees me tightly clenching my teeth. "Oohh! You mean Boss? I mean Der-"

"Where is he, Which door did he take?" I ask him again not letting him finish what he was about to say. Or I just didn't want to hear about him.

"He stopped by the secretariat to confirm his preasence. To let the gurdian knows that he was already here. The kids you-"


I start walking quickly or running if you could call it that way. I just hope they didn't run into him. For the first time, since I gave birth, I'm hoping and whishing that the twins disobey me. I hope they didn't stay put on that bench I left them to sit.

I quickly start checking if they are still on the bench but they are not.

"Excuse me, where did Oliver and Olivia go?" I ask the same lady whom I asked to keep an eye on my children but failed.

"Oh so sorry. They saw Mr. Hale olding candies in his hands and asked me to go to see him. I swear I said no, but I couldn't resist or refuse when the did their puppy eyes. Your kids are so freaking adorable." She said in awe.

"Are you serious right now? You're saying that you let them go because they did the puppy eyes? What if it wasn't Der- What if it was a serial killer?" I ask
her seriously. She should get fired. "Where did they go? Which way did they take?" I am panicking so hard right now. I think I might get a heart attack.

She points behind me. I look where her hand is handicating me and see Der- I mean. him kneeling in front of my twins. I slwoly walk toward them and see Olivia trying to open the lollipop form its packet but gets frustrated when she couldn't. He smiles and helps her. She happily take it back and start to lick it. While he keeps answering a curious Oliver's questions, I stop walking toward them. Because the more I do the more I go crazy.

None of them has noticed me behind them so I stand still. My heart swells when I see Olivia giving him a hug in his arms and he opens his amrs wider when he saw that Oliver wanted to joint them too.

Why the hell did I find their interactions cute?

"Our teacher, Valerie, always tells me that me and my sister look like someone she often see on TV." Oliver says.

"Yeah she also says that Oliver looks copy-paste like that person." Olivia joins in.

He looks at them surprisingly and with so much adoration. Never in my life, I have witnessed him looking at someone this lovingly.

"Ah Yeah? " He asks trying to sound like he didn't know which I doupt.

"Yeah!!" The twins answer at he same time.

"This is weird, because she also told me that the first time we met. She told me I look like some twins kids in her class. Now I get why." I knes she told him something.

But wait a minute.

"Are the guy on TV?" Oliver asks. I know what he's talking about... the guy he surprised me watching on TV.

He was about to answer but I didn't let him to.

"Oliver and Oliver!! Where did you find those candies?" I'm trying so hard not to look panicked in front of him right now.

"Mommy!!" Olivia says as she tried to hide her candy behind her back.

"Isaid who?" I ask sternly to get the correct answer out of them even thought I already know.

"HE DID!!!" They both say at the same time.

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