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" 꿈속 안에서 용기가 필요해"

The next day, Hwara gets up early

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The next day, Hwara gets up early. Yes, today's the day WayV gets reevaluated. They want to get Dream done today too, but to do that, WayV would have to finish quickly. And since Hwara is getting evaluated with a group she's barely interacted with, she'll be quite bored today. In all of WayV, she's had the most interactions with Winwin, Ten, and Yangyang.

Honestly, Hwara was supposed to get evaluated with Dream. But, Winwin had forced Taeyong to let her evaluate with WayV, and Kun didn't object because he wanted to see her in action.

Quickly getting ready in something maneuverable, Hwara quickly leaves her room, where she sees Sungchan walking into Jisung's room. What? Shaking her head, she leaves the third floor. It's not her business.

Arriving on the first floor, she sees that everyone from WayV, Taeyong, and Jaehyun are already there—meaning she's late.

"Okay, everyone's here. Let's go," Taeyong says.

Everyone follows Taeyong to the basement.

Hwara's never been in here before and looks at all the weapons in stock. It looks like a much more upgraded version of the basement in the guesthouse. Hwara faces Taeyong and Jaehyun, who are about to give out instructions.

"We're starting with strategizing. I'll give you all a piece of paper, and we'll give and demonstrate a scenario. Write down your strategy, and we'll read over it. Winwin will not be participating—instead, he will be judging with us."

Because Winwin is gifted with intuition, the strategy he comes up with won't go wrong unless there's a change in events. Therefore, he already gets max points in strategizing.

Well, that's boring. But, I guess it does the job. Hwara sighs, getting ready to write on a clipboard with paper.

Jaehyun starts to read out the scenario. "A duo mission goes wrong, and twenty-five new reinforcements come in along with the previous five you were fighting together. Here's what you have: a sugary dessert wrapped in aluminum foil to prevent damage, two handheld guns, two night-vision goggles, a multitude of daggers, a container filled with saltpeter, and a lighter. There are many cardboard boxes lying around and stacked, and only one of the two phones is working with five percent left. What will you do?"

Wow, this is easy. Hwara's always been good at school, specifically science. With her knowledge, she starts writing:

We'd fake a retreat. Using the stacked boxes, we could either completely exit the building or hide in two separate spots on top of or between boxes, creating a cover for us. Then, whoever's using the phone would immediately open the application we all have that notifies a need for reinforcements. Using that same application, we could require night-vision goggles and handheld guns for all. Then, the member with the dessert, aluminum foil, saltpeter, and lighter would proceed to prepare to make a smoke bomb. If reinforcements arrive in a reasonable time, a smoke bomb would be thrown before everyone wears their vision goggles. All the reinforcements could be easily taken down with our own reinforcements. If our reinforcements don't arrive in about thirty minutes, the two members there would cancel the request, throw out the smoke bomb, and make their escape.

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