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"난 사랑받을 가치 있는 놈일까."

⚠️TW⚠️: Extremely sensitive topics such as violence and implied human trafficking. Please read with caution or skip to the next chapter.

Driving to Busan was tiring, especially for Jisung who had to drive the entire time

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Driving to Busan was tiring, especially for Jisung who had to drive the entire time. When they reach Busan late in the night, Hwara was fully asleep.

It was two in the morning, and Jisung just wanted to fall on a bed. He tries to shake Hwara awake.

"Hey, wake up."

Two minutes later, she's still in deep sleep. Jisung groans out loud, annoyed. He didn't drive all the way out here to take care of her.


What should I do? He looks at her. Should I just leave her in the car?

Not knowing what to do, Jisung immediately calls the first contact he sees on his phone—Mark.

"What do you want? It's literally two—"

"I know. We got to Busan but Hwara won't wake up. I didn't know what to do, so I called you."

Mark, from the other side of the line, rolls his eyes. "Just carry her inside. It's not that hard."

Jisung opens his mouth to retort but decides against it. He guesses that that makes the most sense. "Oh, I was just going to leave her in the car."

Mark facepalm at the younger's statement. He doesn't talk much anymore, but his IQ level is still the same.

"If you leave her in there, she'll freeze to death and won't be able to breathe for a while!"

Jisung looks up in surprise. He didn't know that. "Ah. I guess I'll carry her inside."

Jisung then ends the call, opens all the doors before walking back to the car to pick up Hwara. He then carries her inside placing her on the couch. There's only one room, and he wanted the bed. He didn't really care that she would have to sleep on the couch. He didn't think Hwara would care either.

Jisung locks all the doors and closes all of the windows before activating the security system. Finally, he walks into the only bedroom of the safe house to go to sleep.

Well, he's going to try to sleep.

The next day, Hwara wakes up at around seven to the sound of the smoke alarms going off. Quickly rubbing her eyes open, she watches as Jisung runs around in the kitchen trying to swat away the smoke.

She just stands up, watching him miserably failing.

Meanwhile, Jisung's panicking. He's never cooked before—Jaemin tried to teach him with Kun but gave up midway. From today, Jisung's learned a new appreciation for all the older members that cook.

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