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"또 가면을 쓰고 널 만나러 가."


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Jisung is panicking internally. Did I really just hear her say that? Am I imagining things?

"What do you mean what? I just said i—"

"Do you actually mean it?"

Hwara slowly nods her head with her softest smile, a genuine smile. Jisung lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, looking straight at the girl. She's probably liked Jisung for a while—except she couldn't realize it for that same amount of time.

"Aren't you going to answer?" Hwara asks.

Jisung nods his head, slowly collecting his thoughts. He didn't expect this at all. He thought he'd have to wait until Hwara got all of her emotions back—until she was truly herself. It's so sudden.

Hwara starts to doubt herself, regretting saying it out loud. Sure, she's used to not really caring about things and saying them anyway. However, she can't stop as the worry and regret seeps into her veins, flowing slightly through the soulmate bond. The second Jisung feels those feelings of regret and worry, his eyes snap wide open.

"I like you too."

Hwara smiles, the prior doubts, and thoughts instantly vanishing, keeping her more content and bright-spirited compared to the negativity she's been feeling all day. He makes the darkness of her mind disappear. He makes the self-shame and loathing hide far away, leaving her with peace and serenity inside her own mind.

Hwara wraps her arms around Jisung's torso, snuggling her face once again into his chest. Jisung chuckles, reciprocating the hug.

They lay like that for around ten minutes, both of them stuck in their own thoughts. Their eyes and minds are oblivious to the ever-growing golden light emitting from the two, only strengthening in vibrancy until it fills the entire room—something any other eye other than their own can witness.

Hwara lets out a small sigh of relief, her thoughts not particularly focusing on anything.

I kind of want to eat the pizza now.

Jisung's eyes snap widen open at the sound of the familiar voice ringing clear in his head.


Yeah—Wait are you inside my head? Jisung? Is that you?

I think so? I think it's the telepathy shit.

Telepathy, huh. Weird. So this is why I randomly hear Jaehyun laugh while eating breakfast.

He once laughed while negotiating with a drug lord to let me have some ice cream. It didn't really end well.

EMOTIONLESS ❀ | PARK JISUNGWhere stories live. Discover now