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"Everything is shattering and it's my mistake."

Taeyonghwara's been kidnapped

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hwara's been kidnapped

When Jisung saw the message, he was sitting in his room reviewing the information he'd gathered about Choi Jina and her relation to Sungchan and Hwara. He'd been frozen for a good ten seconds before he burst out of his chair and room, quickly running to Taeyong's office as fast as he could.

Now, he sits in the meeting room right next to Taeyong and Winwin, anxious but not letting it show on his face. To the others, his face is blank to an unnerving point—worse than it used to be.

"Okay, I'm guessing everyone knows why I'm here?"

Every member of NCT nods their head, and Taeyong takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Hwara was grounded, but Ten explained everything that happened. Although she didn't know it, we grounded her so that she wouldn't leave the house unless she was with another member."

At this, Jaehyun turns to his co-leader, confusion clearly written all over his face. Hwara was grounded on purpose? "What do you mean?"

Taeyong just points to Jisung, who takes a deep breath before standing up. "Taeyong, Johnny, and I have been trying to find out everything we can about Choi Jina for a long time now. On Wednesday, Taeyong received information that Choi Jina was looking for Sungchan and Hwara—that she wanted to kill Hwara. That's why Taeyong grounded her."

Hearing this news, all of WayV feels slightly guilty. They all had thought she was grounded because she cursed in front of Taeyong again or something along those lines. They didn't know she was in danger. After all, everyone in NCT knows just how deceptive and powerful Choi Jina is. She has allies everywhere, always feeding her constant information to keep her all-knowing.

Sungchan, who has kept quiet this entire time, finally speaks up.

"I have something to announce," the boy starts, causing everyone to turn to him. Sungchan had been talking to Winwin about how and when they can reveal some of the secrets about Hwara—such as her Solus. "Hwara's...different. I think you all noticed that by now."

Renjun scoffs at Sungchan's choice of words. She's a psychopath–there's no way around it. How could he possibly excuse Hwara's attitude on missions?

"She has Solus Alexithymia..."

Renjun tenses at the news, having no idea it would be something of that magnitude. It's the one condition everyone knows of but no one's really seen in real life. One wouldn't believe it's actually real.

 "Wait, really?" Chenle asks. No wonder she talks in such a weird way. Her body's full of dull expressions when she's not around them.

Sungchan only nods his head.

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