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"Because I'm an inhuman monster, I tend to be more logical."

The next morning, Hwara wakes up to some loud yelling noises

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The next morning, Hwara wakes up to some loud yelling noises. She rubs her eyes open only to see her brother standing right in front of her with someone she doesn't know.

"What?" Hwara asks as she sits up. "And why were you yelling?"

"Well—" the boy she doesn't know starts before Sungchan covers his mouth.

"No reason. Anyway, the Jisung kid's outside in the living room. And, this is Shotaro. He's my friend from college."

Hwara nods. "I guess it's nice to meet you. I'm going to take a shower, so could you both leave?"

Sungchan nods, dragging Shotaro out, who's still quietly giggling. Hwara doesn't pay much attention to that, though.

Pulling out some clothes that were brought over, she hops into the shower after brushing her teeth.

Jisung, true to her brother's words, really was in the living room. Jaehyun had given him the mission files before he left with 127 for another mission.

He couldn't sleep at all last night, the idea of Choi Jina being alive haunting him. She destroyed his life. Willingly or unwillingly, he didn't care. She didn't deserve his mercy. Not for everything she's done.

About ten minutes later, Hwara comes walking out of the room she's staying in, her hair not completely dry yet.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Jisung just sits up, his voice hoarse from waking up not too long ago either. "It's fine."

The awkward tension from the day before has clearly carried over to today, as they both awkwardly move toward the dining table and away from the living room.

"Mark gave us two copies, so here," Jisung says, giving her a copy.

Hwara nods grabbing the files before letting out a huge sigh. She needs coffee. She'll have to ask Jaehyun or Sungchan for some.

Mission Type: Rescue & Extermination
Target of Extermination: Seo Yeongjun
Targets of Rescue: Min Seulgi, Won Hayoung, Bae Miyoung, Ryu Ahjin
Profit: 4,000

Seo Yeongjun
Nightingale Club Branch Co-Owner and Manager
Accused of human trafficking and must be exterminated

Hwara continues to read through the files, but when she reaches a specific name, her mind begins to think.

Min Seulgi
Student at Seoul National University
Daughter of Chairman Min of Yoonseul Corps

"Hey, Jisung?"

He only looks up at her.

"Do you think you could get some information for me?"

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