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"The unexpected makes things more fun."

On his way to his second class, Jisung gets a notification that causes his eyebrows to furrow

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On his way to his second class, Jisung gets a notification that causes his eyebrows to furrow.

Come back to base right now

Taeyong maybe the leader of a gang, but he's also like a parent to everyone in the gang. So telling Jisung that he can ditch school, especially when he's banned from his specialty in the group, is a big deal. And, everyone in NCT knows its best to not go against his word. He's not just the appointed leader of a subunit like Mark, or Kun, or Jaehyun. Taeyong's the leader of all of NCT itself.


Jisung turns to Chenle, who's putting his stuff in his locker.

"Chenle-ah, I have to go back home. Taeyong texted me to come back."

Chenle furrows his eyebrows, not knowing whether to believe the boy or not. He was warned by Mark not to let Jisung out of sight. But, the expression on his face just seems too sincere. So, he lets him go. His best friend wouldn't lie to him. He doesn't have the need to.

Jisung immediately walks outside, not caring if administrators are calling after him. He slams the doors to the school shut, leaving the school gates to get to his vehicle parked outside of campus. He immediately gets on his black bike before heading off toward the NCT mansion. Jisung had a feeling of what was going to be said. They may have found out something.

Something related to her.

Taeyong, back at base, is anxious. He didn't know how Jisung would react. He didn't know if it was even a good idea. Jisung's like a little brother to all of NCT. So, the maknae spiraling into this hole of darkness is worrying all of the members, whether they admit it or not. Knowing the reason why, though, they can't blame him.

"Mark, what should I do?"

Mark just sighs, not really knowing the answer. He's taken care of Jisung as a member of Dream for so long. He remembers the good times, where all the Dreamies were just crackheads but amazing at their job.

Where did it go wrong?

After Hwara finishes her test, she walks into the cafeteria to buy a snack.

"Hwara!" someone yells, causing her to turn in their direction.

Her "best friend" Miyeon comes up to her, and Hwara gives her a smile. "Hey, Mi. How was your test?"

Miyeon just shakes her head with a groan. "Annoying. I hated it."

Hwara just sighs, already bored of the conversation. Just then, she gets a text that causes her to furrow her eyebrows.

An emergency mission? She's fine with it. Her job is fun, and life is all about having fun.

"Hey, Miyeon, let's hangout on Monday. My treat. Bring your boyfriend if you want to," Hwara tells her.

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