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"I'll be your home."

"Well, look who we have here," a familiar voice calls out

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"Well, look who we have here," a familiar voice calls out. Hwara opens her eyes, gasping from the cold chains that tie her down to the chair. Her eyes dart around scared and confused as she immediately tries to break away from the chains.

Finally, her eyes hone in front of her, causing her eyes to narrow. Anyone who knows her would know that that is just front—a coverup to make herself seem unafraid. "You."

The old man who stands in front of her just scoffs before slapping her on the face, the snapping sound echoing across the room. Hwara's face flings to the side as tears spring up into her eyes, her right cheek stinging in pain.

"I told you to respect your elders. Tch, useless. All you do is make problems," the man says, rolling his eyes.

The tattoo on his forearm gives everything away—not that it had to. Hwara already knows he is. Lee Taejin of Octris, the one person she hates more than anyone else in the world—Hwara despises him. Hwara despises everything he represents—his gang, his symbol, his members, and his power.

Lee Taejin has been searching for the girl in front of him for four years. Now, after a lucky break and intense searching, he finally found her.

"As if you deserve respect," Hwara mumbles, her jaw in slight pain.

"Boss," another voice calls out, stepping into the spotlight.

Hwara's eyes widen at the extremely familiar voice, and she snaps her head to face them, wincing slightly at the pain.

"Ah, Yoon Minseok! You did good bringing her in! All the Jungs are dead, right?" Taejin says, causing Hwara's heart to break.

Th-They're all dead? Her family's dead?

"Minseok? How could you?"

Hwara feels betrayed. Her entire family trusted him only to be killed by him.

"I did it all for her. I don't care about you."

"What do you mean?! You killed four people for her?! Why would she even need you to kill four people?! You're crazy!"

Minseok's eyes darken, immediately taking his exit. He didn't want to blow up at the younger girl—he has no control over what happens to her now. Minseok's always been loyal to his boss, so he spared his soulmate. Taejin even allowed for Minseok to meet with a black witch to fix her condition. As long as his boss holds up his end of the deal, Minseok doesn't care about what happens to Hwara. She's just a pawn in everything.

"You're being extra today, idiot. You're extremely stupid if you're not scared of lashing out."

Hwara just scoffs at the old man. "Fuck off."

EMOTIONLESS ❀ | PARK JISUNGWhere stories live. Discover now