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"이기적인 난 I'm sorry."

In the car, Hwara's dead silent

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In the car, Hwara's dead silent. She's not doing anything, just sitting there facing the front. She completely out of the zone. All that plays in her head is the sight of her shooting that person. She had killed them with no further thought as if she had no care or emotions.


She's heard the word many times. She's heard so many times that she's a cold-hearted bitch, a monster who doesn't care for anyone. She didn't care before. But now, she's starting to believe it. It all seems true to her. The way she allowed herself to kill someone without too much thought—hell, this is her job. She enjoys it. She was excited about this mission earlier.

What happened? What changed inside her that caused her to finally pay attention—to finally care? Was it because she bonded to Jisung? Was it because she had her memories back? Was it because she's starting to learn negative emotions?

What is this feeling? I fucking hate it.

Jisung looks at the frozen girl, slightly worried. Did something happen in there? He could feel her anxiety through the bond earlier, but she didn't say anything about it. He didn't press either. Looking at her state now, though, she looks terrible. Jisung can feel the overwhelming emotion seep into him through their bond, one that causes him to start hating himself. The overwhelming feeling of self-hate isn't his either, and it takes him a little while to realize.

"Are you okay?"

Hwara snaps out her thoughts, turning her head to face Jisung. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

The girl plasters the brightest smile she can muster onto her, hoping he buys it. Jisung knows better though. That smile is too fake, too wide, and too painfully bright to look at. It's not her genuine smile, and he knows it.

He knows it, but he doesn't say anything. He'd rather talk to her about it when they're alone in their room. That's when she feels most comfortable from what he's seen. It's better to talk to her when she's comfortable.

Jisung just hums in response, pulling into the Jung mansion once again. He hasn't gotten an answer back on whether or not they can come back to the main base, so it's probably best for them to just stay here.

Both of them walk inside the mansion to the smell of pizza and the sight of Jaehyun and Soojin sitting next to each other in front of the living room TV.

"Jaehyun? What are you doing here?" Jisung asks, walking over to the couple.

Hwara follows behind him, face blank and mind elsewhere.

"Taeyong asked me to get the files from you two. I figured you'd come back here."

Jisung nods his head, quickly handing Jaehyun the files as Soojin pauses the drama they're watching.

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