Chapter 17

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As another celebration for actually being allowed to see each other again, Felix invited Jisung and I for a sleepover at his, along with my brother, Minho and Hyunjin. He asked in advance if that was ok. The boy even mentioned that he could invite a female friend of his or I could invite one of my own if I wasn't comfortable with all guys but I was happy as is. After all, I could wear modest pyjamas and sleep beside Jisung. Plus, I'm sure Chan wouldn't let anything bad happen.

Felix had a double bed in his room and so him and Chan decided to share that but he did also have a blow up mattress and a sofa chair that formed into a bed. Jisung and I took the mattress while Minho happily claimed the sofa bed with Hyunjin. It was all perfect really. Felix prepared some home made cookies which were fresh out the oven when we got them. (There's nothing quite like warm and oozing chocolate chip cookies.)
Jisung and I decided to bring along some drinks for us all: some alcoholic, some soft drinks. My brother was the music man, bringing along his set of Bluetooth speakers, which all connected together. Minho decided to go all out and brought along some extra cushions, a couple of blankets and some sweets too. Hyunjin, on the other hand, said "isn't my presence just a gift". The boy had apparently forgotten whatever he was aiming to bring and it was too late to go back.

While I tucked into the strawberry laces, my brother and Jisung were pumping up the mattress ready for later. Felix's bedroom was not just the only bedroom in the place, but it was massive and had enough space to fit all of us in if we really wanted to. Although, I was pretty sure that he had knocked through so his room was technically two made into one big room. Still, it was pretty cool. A TV with Nintendo Switch ready as well as an Xbox One in the bookcase for whenever he wanted to attach it. Plus, he had LED light strips all around and a controller to set them to whatever colour he wanted: there was even a rave type setting where it flashed slow or fast. There were a couple of posters round his room and I noticed a couple of ITZY albums on one of the bookshelves but chose not to mention it.

One of the photos on the bookshelf, near the ITZY albums, was one of him when he was younger. There were a lot of people in the photo but going by the banner in the background, it was one of his birthdays. I scanned the faces to see if I knew any - only a few popped out. Amongst the people were old Australian friends of Chan and Felix, my brother himself, and then I came across myself. My face was full of joy and I had my tongue cheekily sticking out. For some reason, I was being lifted up by a boy who's face I didn't recognise. A hint of Jisung came across but I'm sure it wasn't him; I don't remember knowing Jisung since that age.
With the other boys still preoccupied, and my wandering eyes on the photo, Felix came over and asked what I was looking at. I explained it to him.

"That's a guy I know called Eric. He had flirted with you the whole day."
I couldn't recall that but maybe it was for the better, "really?"
He huffed out a short breath of air, "Yeah, it was annoying really, had me acting jealous at my own birthday, but we're chill now."
Jealous? This wasn't something anyone had told me, that Felix had liked me for a while. That is, if what he is saying is true. It could be that he didn't tell anyone, not even my brother. Alternatively, it could be that he didn't even realise his feelings back then.
In that moment, with Felix and I in our own little world, my mouth started to dry up.
"The ur... only thing I remember from that day was that your cake had different flavoured tiers."
He nodded, "chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, the best cake I ever had."
Despite around 90% of my memory restored, there were still little moments like this that I couldn't remember. Of course, I knew that even before the memory loss, I would never have remembered everything but it was the principle.

"Finally it's done," Jisung sighed as he collapsed on top of the newly inflated mattress.
I walked over and rustled his hair lovingly, "well done 'sungie."
That had been the most forced thing I'd said in a long time and it felt completely out of character for me to say as well, but we all ignored it and carried on.
Admittedly, I hadn't particularly called Jisung any pet names like 'love' or 'babe' for a long time now, but neither had he. On rare occasions, when he was being super loving, he would call me 'baby' but nowadays he just stuck to 'Miss Bang'. It was said in a nice way don't get me wrong and was meant as a joke but still... it wasn't the same.
Both of us didn't want to conclude that the relationship was slowly drawing to a close but the conversation was rapidly approaching.

...Just not quite yet.

Minho helped Felix to sort the Switch out. The boy had brought his Switch controllers, one of the many items he brought, and they set up so 4 of us could play at one time. The way we played it, at first, was that the two losers get swapped out with the spare two people. After that, we played it in teams. Jisung and I vs Felix and Chan vs Minho and Hyunjin. In those teams, we played Smash Brothers, though Minho kept 'accidentally' hitting Hyunjin off. So, Chan decided it was best to swap the teams. Felix and I vs Jisung and Hyunjin vs Chan and Minho. We kept swapping round so everyone had a chance to team up with each other. It took quite a while though and by the time our little tournament had finished, it was dark out so I turned the light on.

"Wow, 11:20pm, it's still early" my brother exclaimed as he looked at his phone.
I scoffed, "early for you maybe, you vampire, you don't sleep."
Chan rolled his eyes in response, "I do sleep it's just at 3am."
Hyunjin attempted to reassure my brother that he wasn't the only one and that he did so himself but I just threw Hyunjin under the bus with Chan. I went on about how it wasn't good for your sleeping pattern and all but Minho teased me, "you're meant to be his sister not his mother."
Jisung laughed, hitting Minho's arm at his comment. Jokes on them, we turned the lights out to go to sleep not 15 minutes later.

After some time, I woke up to a dark room. I didn't dare check my phone in case the brightness woke anyone up, so who knows what time it was. Jisung was still happily resting beside me, smiling at whatever dream he was having. Carefully and slowly, I crept out of the blanket and towards the bedroom door, heading for the bathroom. The least I could do while I was wide awake was go to the loo.
On my return, I noticed a dim light on. Thinking back on the night, I was sure that no one had left anything on, so I went to inspect.
A messy haired Felix was stood with the fridge door open, drinking some juice straight from the container.

I whispered to him, "morning Felix."
Though I had tried not to scare him, the boy still jumped at my unexpected appearance.
"Getting an early drink are we?"
He placed the lid back on the juice, cautiously positioning it back in its slot and closing the door.
"Couldn't sleep, I see you can't either."
I tucked my hands into the pockets of my sloppy pyjama trousers, "I just woke up for some reason, have you not slept yet?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "not really sure."
The way half of his hair stuck up while the other was tangled everywhere was sweet, something I hadn't seen for a while. A nice sight nevertheless.

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