Chapter 2

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A blindfold was placed over my head so that I had no idea where I was. That was all a waste though because the minute they undid it and let me out the car or van or whatever, I knew exactly where I was.
The boy from earlier was stood next to me and the van started to pull off. Anger filled the boy's eyes and he turned as if he were going to run after the van. I grabbed his hand, too hard at first, to stop him from doing so.
"There's no point" I muttered, "they let us go"
He sighed.
I knew my way home from here and if the guys in the van had any knowledge then they wouldn't follow me. My brother didn't live in my apartment, that was just mine.
"Come on, we can both go home now." I suggested but his anger hadn't faded much.

"You said you had no idea who I was", his voice was extremely low. It didn't help that he spoke through gritted teeth but even so, his voice was deep.
I nodded. Despite being put under immense pressure by the mysterious men, I was telling the truth, mainly, and I had no idea who this boy was. The issue was that I could tell the longer this went on, this guessing game, the more annoyed he would become. Hopefully he wasn't as bad as those two guys though. Hopefully...
"You lied to them"
With a calm voice, I started trying to calm him down, "I only partially lied. Of course, I know where my brother lives but I honestly don't remember you, I'm sorry."
The boy raised his eyebrows as if questioning me and nudging me to carry on.
So I did, "I don't know if they wiped part of my memory or what has happened but I don't remember you and unfortunately that's out of my control."

Sadness, anger, regret, frustration and confusion. All of these emotions flashed across his faces with an overall lasting effect of him trying to simultaneously get closer but keep his distance.
The clouds above us had started to gather and I prayed that it wasn't going to rain. Knowing the weather, a downpour was unfortunately likely. My apartment was a couple of roads away and so if I had any chance of getting into the warm and dry, I would have to leave this strange situation behind.
"Listen, it looks like it might rain and I should probably be getting back home. My apartment isn't far from here."
He nodded, now a hint of sadness in his eyes. I began to walk in the right direction but noticed the boy was still stood in the same spot. A portion of his hair had fallen down, hiding one of his eyes.
"Are you heading my way?" I asked.
Again, he slightly nodded.

We walked practically side by side for a while in almost silence. This boy evidently had known me before now and the longer I spent with him the worse I felt. Who knows, maybe hanging around with him would bring some memories back. I hoped for his sake as well as mine. Occasionally, I would glance over at him to see if he was ok but mainly to check he was still walking next to me. He looked borderline devastated. My brother had always said never to invite strangers in but if he was down I'm sure I could invite him in for a cup of hot chocolate or something to warm him up before he had to be on his way. Plus, he looked like he'd had a rough time, worse than me and so it was only polite.

Finally, we reached my apartment, there was only 3 levels of flats and mine was the top one. At least I can remember that. I can recall how proud I was that I had enough money to buy myself an apartment, let alone the top floor. I always called it the penthouse and I guess it caught on because that's what it was nicknamed by friends and family.
"Well this is me, could I offer you a hot drink, I don't know how far away you live"
The boy half smiled. It was one of those sad expressions where you try to look happy but it simply doesn't work.
"You really don't remember, do you?"
I shrugged, unsure of where this was going, "not really, no"
"This apartment... it's ours"

No. No way... I'm definitely sure I heard him right, but this was my apartment. The apartment I had bought with my own money. I bragged about it to everyone. After the first month of living in it, I held a party to celebrate and all my friends came plus my brother and his friends that I knew. The main rule was don't trash anything as it's new.
Looking back, I remember my brother helping me with the boxes as I moved my stuff out of both his place and my parents place as I was still living at both residence.
The feeling of guilt really sunk in now. He knew me so well that we lived together... and now I don't remember a thing about him.

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