Chapter 20

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The hangout with the boys was certainly eventful but overall, I'd had fun. Our visit was coming to an end and I bid the others a farewell before leaving with Jisung. The thought of going back to 'our' home together wasn't strange but the sleeping arrangements might be... Just before I approached the building, we both stopped.
"Hey, it'll be alright, ok?" Jisung comforted, I would certainly miss his comfort 24/7 but I still nodded in response.

I went to slip the keys into the lock but accidentally nudged it open. This was freaky. I knew that we locked the place before we left for Felix's. Both myself and Jisung were scared and shocked. Had someone burgled us? Turned out it was a lot worse than we expected.
Drawers and cupboards had been opened, random items scattered like the whole place had been turned upside down. I dropped the majority of my things as I came in apart from my backpack. As I wandered in more, I saw the extent of the disaster spanning the entire apartment. I slipped the bag off my back, ready to get my phone and call Chan.

"You can call him if you like, I'd enjoy that actually."
Instantly, I recognised the voice, and then the face that appeared. My bag thudded against the floor. Just at the presence of another person, and the sudden bang, Jisung came running in and the pair of us stood before the intruder.
"Hongjoong," Jisung spat out.
Now wasn't the time, but at least I could put a name to a face after all this time. It was the shorter man who stood there while the interrogation took place, he was a member of Ateez, the leader apparently.
"As I said, I had hoped not to see your face again Bang Y/N, yet here we are."
While the man had never hurt me, I wouldn't put the notion past him. He had a deep bruise under one eye and many a scar to show off his injuries.

"What do you want?" I shakily asked.
He had tracked me down, torn my apartment to shreds, so, to say I was annoyed was an understatement. Alongside being angry, I was also terrified; I didn't want anything to happen to Jisung or myself.
"Now now," He evilly smiled, it was something of a charm of his, "jumping ahead of the game when you haven't even introduced me to your friend here."
Both of us remained silent. I wondered if Hongjoong even knew of Jisung, of who he was. He knew of my brother well, apparently, but that didn't guarantee that he knew all of my brother's co-workers.

"I only know your codename, Peter, but I'm happy for a full introduction."
Neither of us would answer that. If Jisung's identity was still unknown, then he was safe. Well, safer in the long run at least.
"Nothing?" Hongjoong continued, "Well that's not very welcoming."
I don't know what kicked off in me, but I snapped back, "Well you did ruin my home."
He melodramatically pouted at me.
"Aww, well I couldn't find any contact information for your brother anywhere, so I had to go digging."
When I learnt of Ateez, some of the information was a bit underestimated. How far Hongjoong had come from kidnapping me and interrogating me to trashing my apartment just to get to my brother was intense.

"But now, I think you can lead me directly to him. Surely, he won't want his sister missing for a second time, not when her memory has just got back."
How did he know? There was a likely chance that when he was rustling around, he found some diary of sorts that had the memory loss recorded in it, that was a possibility. It wasn't really the time to ask, he'd basically just called me his prisoner... again. Jisung and I both tried to fight against it but Hongjoong's men had been lurking around the apartment, ready for this, ready to take us. The tall man, who interrogated me the first time, was the one to sedate me. As the room got darker, I begged that Felix would come save me.


Felix's POV

Chan was the only one to stay behind. Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung and Y/N all left, which made the place quieter. My hyung and I were just sat drinking and watching random shows on TV. It was a nice relaxing time.
"I have to ask," Chan broke the comfortable silence, "is there something going on between you and my sister?"
I reluctantly became flustered. The truth was, something I wouldn't easily admit to Y/N but, I never stopped loving her. She probably wouldn't believe that considering I was the one to leave but it was just hurting my heart too much. Even now, being back, I still had the same feelings towards her, despite the memory loss that tore us apart.

"We're close again which is nice."
Not a lie but we weren't as close as I wanted. Though, I wasn't going to pressure her into anything that she didn't want to, hence, I told her my urge to kiss her but didn't push it. There was no way I would be giving her up for a second time.
Chan smiled, "I'm happy for you. I was worried when you told me you were back in town that it could take a turn for the worse but I'm gladly surprised."
Ever since my relationship with Y/N, Chan hyung and I have gotten, weirdly, even closer, despite being best friends already. He probably wanted to keep a close eye on me but then Y/N wasn't always our topic of conversation. We had a mutual respect for each other. Even when I broke it off, I spoke to Chan about it, laying out some of my reasoning. While he was evidently upset, he told me that we would always be friends no matter what.

"I'm happy too."
Both chan's phone and my phone buzzed  at the same time. It was a sign that important news, probably bad, was on the way. My intuition was right, it was from Minho.
'Hongjoong has taken Han and Y/N, he texted me that someone had come into the apartment and recorded some audio before they took them. I texted boss, come in ASAP'
I looked over at Chan, "how did they know where they were?"
He grimaced, "I'm not sure," he stood up and rushed to grab his coat, "but we'll find out very soon."
Both of us wanted to get them back. I'd be lying if I said that our favour was more with Y/N; we didn't want anything to happen to Jisung either. So much for a happy and quiet day.

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