Chapter 6

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I told no one. And by no one I mean not even Chan, I just kept the whole Felix incident to myself. For some reason, I could feel that nothing but trouble would come if I mentioned it. It was only one time, one harmless time. Anyway, what happened with Felix is in the past and he was the one who left so I should just move on.
Jisung was the perfect boyfriend, the whole package and there was no way I would give that up - especially not for Felix, who left me.

To make up for my little slip up on our ice skating date, I decided to make Jisung a big home cooked meal, like normally I just shove something into the oven or don't put in as much effort but this time I would. He text me saying he'd be home for around half 6 and so I had enough time to prepare. In a deepest part of one of the cupboards was a beautiful red table cloth, which draped nicely and covered the entire dining table. Plus, I still had some tea candles which I placed in the middle. We didn't actually own any fancy plates as such but there were the ones with funny ridges on the sides so I felt that would be nice at least.
A big meal plus a nice table and then I'd get dressed up. I picked out one of my favourite red dresses so I could match the red theme and I'm sure Jisung would love it.

The meal was just about finished when I heard a knock at the door. Strange... Jisung had keys, had he forgotten them?
I half rushed to the door and sighed when I opened it.
My brother had a smile on his face, that was until he looked me up and down in my dress.
"Sorry Y/N, didn't know you were going to the red carpet"
Rolling my eyes, I questioned why he was here, not even bothering to invite him in.
Apparently, he just wanted to drop by to collect a couple of things. What could he want?
I reluctantly let him in and watched him head in the direction of my bedroom immediately.
"Hey! You can't just storm into my room"
He smirked, "don't you mean yours and Jisung's room"
Ugh... really?
"Shut up, what do you want anyway?"

He ended up going into one of the bottom drawers of a cupboard. There was only random junk in there, again, why was he shuffling around?
The boy picked up a small box that I didn't recognise and then was practically marching back out again.
"Are you gonna even tell me what that is?"
He shook his head and opened the door to leave, "its not important but enjoy your evening, use protection hey?"
"You little-" as I ran up to whack him, the door shut and he was gone.
Why can't I just have one night that goes according to plan? Just one...

After... whatever that was, I decided to put a little bit of make-up on with the main point being the red lipstick.
Then the heavenly sound of keys jingling in the door came and I slowly walked towards the door.
"Surprise!" I called out as Jisung slumped in.
Despite the boy looking really quite tired, his eyes lit up when he saw the table behind me and what I was wearing. He dropped his bag and ran up to hug me.
His voice was small and soft, "thank you!"

The meal was actually really good, even I surprised myself there. Jisung ate all of it and some of my leftovers that I couldn't manage. I saw that as a good sign.
"Thank you Y/N, I really appreciated it," he smiled, "I just wish I could've dressed up for you too"
I puckered my lips to stop myself from smiling too much.
"It's alright, I'm glad you enjoyed your meal"
"Now" he exclaimed, throwing his napkin on the table and rubbing his hands together, "what's for dessert?"
His eyes stared straight into my soul and I immediately knew what he meant.

Needless to say, the entire evening had been a completely success in my eyes and as the tired boy snuggled against me, I faded off into a gentle sleep, proud of what I'd done.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked. The boy beside me on the adjacent swing with grinning almost from ear to ear.
"Oh no reason"
I hated how he avoided the question, it was playful for sure but he knew that if I continued to push it and he didn't tell me that I'd start to get annoyed.
"Come on, tell me"
He caved, "fine, because I think you're pretty"
My face heated up. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting him to say. The most likely response was probably 'you've got something on your face' not 'you're pretty'.
I slightly nudged the boy so his swing moved forward a tad.
"Shut up~"
"No I mean it, Y/N... I think you're really pretty and especially in this light"
There was currently some beautiful shades in the sky as the sun was setting. So, I had to agree, it was like a rose gold light and I was loving it.
"Thank you, you're pretty good looking yourself there, Felix"
This time it was the boy's turn to nudge my swing.
"You're just saying that because I said you were pretty"
I giggled, "doesn't mean I didn't mean it?"
Teasing the boy, I stuck my tongue out at him but hadn't realised how close I had gotten. When I opened my eyes from my playful expression, I stared straight into his and watched how his gaze briefly lowered to my lips before he started leaning in.

"Y/N I love you but I've gotta get up for work"
My eyes fluttered open to Jisung within inches of me and realised that my lips were extended ready to kiss him... kiss Felix. SHIT!

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