Chapter 12

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At first, I had wondered about talking to Chan about this, considering he was best friends with Felix, but I didn't want all the drama that came with that.
So, I did the best thing that I could think of doing and asked Jisung. I watched over as the boy read the message before he handed the phone back to me.
"What does he mean 'you remembered something'?"
I shrugged, "I don't know what I said and him not specifying doesn't help"
The boy looking quizzically at me seemed as lost as I was yet we came to the same conclusion, I had to speak to Felix directly.

Jisung was the one who messaged Felix but he made it clear that as wary as he was, it was probably best that I chat to him alone.
Whatever happened, I would talk to Jisung about it afterwards but it would at least give chance for Felix to open up more with the lack of presence of my boyfriend. We were debating over the best place for me to meet him and decided a walk and sit down on some grass or a bench would be appropriate.
I could have gone to his so then if it got too much I could leave but even him coming to mine was a mistake as that's a restricted place. At least with an open space, we could talk freely, safely in public and be far enough from people. Unfortunately, the park chosen was all too familiar.


"You haven't spoken much, Felix"
Felix and I were sat on the grass after an exciting first date of exploring and adventuring. My camera was full of fun photos of the scenery and photos of Felix and I. From artsy shots with our shadows to photos he took of me when I hadn't noticed, it was going in a scrapbook for sure. There was a moment where his hand lightly touched mine and it sent shivers up my whole arm, he took that as an opportunity to hold my hand and I happily accepted, linking my fingers to his. This was like a fairy tale come true. A nice date with a handsome guy.
The boy fiddled with his fingers, avoiding my gaze. A strand of hair had fallen in front of his eyes and he had such sweet eyes, so I leant forward and swept it away. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but as I lifted his hair out of his face, his head raised up with it. Looking directly at me now, I couldn't tell what hid behind his gaze, though I quickly found out.

Felix's face swooped in towards mine and he swiftly kissed me. It was a short kiss but I appreciated it for sure. A magical moment!
Still in shock, I tried not to look at his lips as he began to speak.
"I like you Y/N, I've been so nervous that I didn't know what to say but I checked with your brother and I... would you be my girlfriend?"
The shock hadn't calmed down but I immediately knew my answer, "yes, I'd love to"
A bright smile rapidly formed on Felix's face and he hugged me, he was such a sweet boy and the thought of me now being his girlfriend gave me butterflies.


There was a big grassy area that I sat down on, waiting for the boy who was 5 minutes late already. Lightly, I bit my lip, debating if this was still a good idea. I scanned the area in front of me and finally saw the Aussie boy. While he was still approaching, I gradually stood up to greet him. He paused in front of me, a decent distance away. Yet, I was the first to speak.
"I wasn't sure if you were actually gonna show"
He briefly puckered his lips before responding, "I didn't think you would either"
Sitting back down in the same spot, I opened my arm, offering him to sit down next to me. There was awkward silence at first, it felt like even my breathing was quieter than normal. This whole moment had deja vu written all over it.

"You haven't spoken much Felix"
I huffed out after saying the words I had spoken so long ago now. The boy now returned my gaze but with a puzzled look.
"Felix?" I asked, almost gesturing him to respond. He simply brushed his hand through his blonde hair ruffling it in the process.
"You remember a lot more than I thought"
I sent him a friendly smile, "more and more"
"Do you remember..." he hesitated but carried on anyway, "our first date here?"
Nodding, I could easily recall the time we had our first date and first kiss all in one day. I'd called it a magical moment, unsure of where the scrapbook was that I had used to place those memories in.

"This is where you kissed me for the first time, 'Lix"
Luckily, the memory still had that rose gold tint, though sharing it with him at this time wasn't the same. The feeling of wanting to abandon ship was looming but I wanted to persist.
"I was so nervous" he recalled, "the fact that I knew I would ask you out the whole day didn't make it any easier"
Really? You'd have thought he would have been more open with me and told me this during the relationship, but no. We didn't talk about things like this all that often because either it didn't come up or he didn't speak as much about it. Thinking back, he often just listened to me rambling on, not contributing much until requested to do so. Was I the problem in the end? Not the right time to this about this Y/N.

I leant back on my arms, my shoulders slightly hunching upwards. This really wasn't the time to get into depth about old memories in this way, I came here for a reason.
Cutting that train of thought off, I asked, "what did I say to you at the party?"
Once again, a puzzled look was painted across the boy's face. My bluntness of the subject hadn't given him time to prepare an answer.
He sighed, "let me run you though it"

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