Chapter 25

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The building we were escorted to wasn't familiar to either of us. Just one random place to another really. We had once again been left in the dark as to the events and results.

The guy who was currently looking after us had introduced himself as Hyunsuk. Jisung didn't recognise him as they apparently work in different divisions but they both knew of the others' existence. He reassured us that we would hear news soon, but 'soon' wasn't a time span. 'Soon' could be anywhere from a second to an eternity. Jisung and I even napped together while we waited. The sleep was refreshing for sure, something we both longed for.

I felt a soft bit of contact with my cheek which stirred me awake. A fingertip was rubbing back and forth in a comforting motion. Groaning as I began to stretch, the person stopped their movement. As my eyes fluttered open, I heard the voice I longed for, "Y/N"
Before me, was a scruffy looking Felix. The boy's hair was a mess and a coating of sweat tricked across the top of his forehead.

I jolted forward to embrace the boy, my movement waking Jisung. That's when I noticed Minho sat near Jisung, the two almost copying our actions, embracing together.
Without thinking, I took the opportunity while everything was semi-fine to... mwah! My kiss was a shock for Felix at first, but the boy melted into it not long after. As we parted, I remembered who was next to me. Glancing over, I turned to see Jisung and Minho sharing a kiss as well. After their separation, Jisung turned to me, looking me dead in the eyes and said "we'll talk about this later".
I could only smile in return, secretly knowing that both of us had found our own happiness.

Now focusing back on Felix, I cooed, "I'm so glad you're alive".
He skimmed his thumb gently over my cheek, careful to avoid any bruises.
"I could say the same."
"How did you manage to get out?"

Felix explained that the moment I went, the planning started. They knew that Ateez would try to lure Chan to them and so the first step was there had to be a lot of backup. In terms of finding the location, they knew that Honjoong's patience would wear thin if he didn't respond and so there was only a few choices. All of which led to them evacuating the station. They then left Chan's phone against one of the tables and a remote control system that could answer the phone for them. So when Hongjoong called, they were all out of the place and had the phone ready so Chan was answering via a different phone. Hence, the reason it sounded echoey was because it was via 2 phones.
They were all safe and ready to track down Hongjoong. So while I kept rushing trying to make sure they weren't tracked, they were stalling to make sure they tracked him.

"You never fail to surprise me 'Lix."
The boy lightly brushed a loose strand of hair back from my face, leaving his hand resting just behind my ear.
"Says you," he lowered his voice, "kissing me like that."
I tried to hold back the smirk I wanted to spread across my face. Though, the more I thought about it... was it just a hero's kiss? Did he think I kissed him because he saved me?
Hesitantly, I slightly backed away, not enough that he moved his hand but enough to stand my ground on this.
"I'm sorry I- I know how much it hurt you after my memory loss plus with all this distance but I-"

The boy was urging me to go on, expand on what I wanted to say.
"I didn't mean to make it worse for you by doing that. It was just- if you thought I did it because you saved my life it- wasn't just that."
All these words were so hard to release. It was as if I was wincing with every new syllable that fell from my mouth. Felix and I were at a good point before the whole Ateez incident. I was wary that he might not feel the same, that he might have moved on after all I put him through. It was something that was out of my control and yet somehow always felt like my fault and I can never put my finger on why...

"Listen Y/N," Felix started, "there's a lot we need to sit down and talk about and now isn't the time."
I dropped my chin, it didn't sound like good news. His light touch lifted my chin back up to face him again.
"But!" He continued, "just to put the record straight, I still love you, never stopped in fact."
Shyly, he avoided my eye contact but the gentle stroking of his hand against my hair and neck showcased his genuine affection.
I smiled but my joy was a bit short lived as my brother stormed in.

"Where is she?" He demanded.
I carefully stood, making my presence clear to him, which he immediately took in, running up to me and hugging me.
"I was going to get you back I never wanted you to doubt that."
Chan squeezed me tight, almost cutting off my air circulation. In response, Felix decided to step in, "Hey let her breathe, hyung."
My brother backed off and almost... almost glared at Felix, his sibling energy kicking in. I reassured the guys saying I was alright and that recovery would be easy for me. What wouldn't be easy was talking to Felix and after that talking to Chan.

Chan checked the other boys, looking over Jisung to see the damage done. It was hard to see how things could get better or worse but if one thing was for sure, they would continue in some way or another.

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