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Chan and Hongjoong had gone through military style training together. They were sparring partners for most of the course and so were paired together throughout the majority of their time there. The similarities between the two is what drove them together originally. That was except for the fact that Hongjoong was more of a live wire. Back in the day, Hongjoong would let his emotions get the better of him, which would often land him in hot water. Chan always defended him, however, ensuring a brother-like bond between the two.

After their training was complete, the two decided to take it upon themselves to rid the world of the wrong doings that were being committed. Chan had was a lawful guy and had assumed Hongjoong was too. This was to be the pair's breaking point.
The pair worked for an undercover agency and were sent out on a task to take down a threat. The team at the time, nicknamed the Fellaz, was made up of Yeosang, San, Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung and Seonghwa with Chan and Hongjoong as joint leaders. Jongho hadn't joined the group at the time as it was agreed that he was too inexperienced in the sort of lifestyle that was required of the group.

"How's it looking from the skies?" Hongjoong radio'd through.
"As good as ever boss," Wooyoung replied.
The group were already mid way through their pursuit and all was going according to plan. A handful of guards had already been taken out and the security cameras were in the safe hands of Seonghwa.
Then came the full on attack. The boys fought against their enemies and all of whom had been left unconscious. It was a clear rule in thee organisation that there were to be no unnecessary killings unless threatened.

Chan and Hongjoong briefly convened behind a shielding wall of crates. The two keeping their voices down and discussing their next move.
"Is everything in place?" Chan asked.
Hongjoong's smile spread instantly in response, "most certainly, I've even got the final plan in place."
Chan's eyebrow raised, "you have? I thought the final plan was to call for back up to arrest this guy?"
Hongjoong shook his head and reached into his back pocket. From there, he picked out a small, silver device. One that Chan had been familiar with after being trained on exactly how to disarm it.

"Blowing them up is not a part of the plan, nor is it our code."
Hongjoong's secret plan had gone under Chan's nose. While the rest of the team were busy attacking and infiltrating, Hongjoong had rigged up the place and was almost ready to cause serious damage.
"These buggers have manipulated many, stole thousands and killed innocents. This is what they deserve."
Chan paused, relaxing his weapon slightly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were taught not to stoop to the level of the people they were fighting. Yet, that's exactly what Hongjoong wanted to do in this moment. Betray everything they were ever taught was right and moral.

"Give me the device." Chan calmly spoke out. Hongjoong refused, even going as far as to say Chan was soft, that he was too lenient. The two argued amongst themselves, failing to realise that the rest of their team were awaiting their command.
"This isn't the way Hongjoong and if this is the path you're going down then no one will support you in this."
The man argued back that he would still have the support of his team. The team that Chan was, at this stage, still a part of. He knew it to be false. There was no way all of them would agree to manslaughter. Chan rushed off, warning Hongjoong not to use it or else there'd be consequences.

The mission continued but Chan had messaged his friend, Changbin, down at the police station. It was then relayed an a team was being sent over as back up, for if Hongjoong decided to spill blood.
The team had almost finished what they set out to do when a police officer had run in and arrested Seonghwa. Unknowingly to Chan, Seonghwa had similar thoughts to Hongjoong, who had approved Seonghwa in getting revenge. The man had gone on a revenge killing spree. Chan was soon to realise that the company he worked for was corrupt. They simply had lied to Chan about their intentions to keep a kinder hearted person like him on their pay roll.

The officer had arrested Seonghwa there and then. Yeosang had tried to contact the guy and had almost been caught himself when investigating where the missing communication was.
"The cops are here," he alerted the team, "and Seonghwa's been taken in."
Everything leading to that point began to crumble. Chan knew it had been his fault for calling Changbin, but a gut feeling had started to tell him that he was doing the right thing.
Hongjoong was furious and wondered how the hell the police had even known about the place or their mission. His suspicions arose after his confrontation with Chan and so the man turned in a blaze towards his counterpart.

"You did this!" Hongjoong screeched.
Chan put his hands up defensively, at first denying the claim. It wasn't until the conversation got heated that he felt like he ought to own up. The timing could not have been worse. Both Chan and Hongjoong had been walking to the top of the building, potentially hoping to scale down it to escape, when they had witnessed the exact moment where the two divided.
Mid argument, the boys watched Wooyoung get shot from his watch post. They witnessed his body fall from the top of the building and crash against the floor right at the bottom. It was a scarring moment.
"You killed him!" Hongjoong accused.
Though it hadn't been Chan himself who had killed him, he had noticed the familiar face of Changbin, who had pulled the trigger.

Over the radio there were cries that some of the members had been shot in action and were requesting a retreat. None of which had witnessed Wooyoung's death bar Hongjoong and Chan. Hongjoong turned his gun to Chan in that moment, declaring him a traitor. Chan fled the scene, running away on his own for a while before Changbin picked him up. The boy took him back to police headquarters where he was questioned and put on community service for a year. Changbin persuaded Chan to join the force and that they could use someone with his skills to actually serve a good cause. He had agreed and signed his life away to the force, willingly and happily. The man tried to forget Hongjoong in those moments and enjoy his new chance at being an officer.


With Wooyoung dead and Seonghwa arrested, Hongjoong swore vengeance against the man he had once so willingly called his friend.

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