Chapter 15

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Jisung's dinner had been just about keeping warm for 2 hours now. He was even late to eat and I got so hungry that I just had to tuck in on my own. It sucked. What was meant to be a nice relaxing day took a turn for the worse.
Eventually, 3 hours later than I had expected, the front door shut and Jisung wandered in.
I gave him a look that said it all but his gaze was worse. The worry in his eyes, pure panic, was enough to make me anxious.

"Thank gosh you're ok," he hugged me tightly. He hadn't even taken off his jacket and was just cradling me like a baby.
"Yeah, ur... your dinner is over there-"
He interrupted me, "dinner? Oh I'm sorry you ate alone, I'm just glad that you're safe but I'll eat now then I can explain."
My anxiety grew as I watched him stuff food into his cute squirrel cheeks and munch it down pretty quickly. He could probably feel the vibrations in the table from where my leg was bouncing up and down and rubbing against the table leg. As he took his last gulp, he started to explain the situation to me.


"Jisung can you gather everyone in the main meeting room please, pronto."
Chan instructed him and so the boy followed the orders, gathering all of the station into the main meeting room. It was a squeeze but they managed to fit all the staff in. Chan and the head of the station, Jinyoung, were at the front, with a blank canvas really to display a slideshow. From the sense of urgency, Jisung could only assume it was either a lead or bad news.
"Thank you all for coming," Jinyoung started, "not that you had a choice, but this is of high importance."
The slideshow changed onto a photo of the group they knew to be Ateez. Each member standing out through their own mugshot. The photo which caught Jisung's eye was Hongjoong's. Last time he had the misfortune of seeing him, the man had a different hair colour but no matter what colour it was, he was still the same, still highly wanted.

"After their last reappearance, we have intel that they are planning something big, some sort of deal potentially with another gang but one that will involve a mass genocide."
With every word out of Jinyoung's mouth, hope and happiness slipped from Jisung's mind, he could only imagine what Felix was thinking. Surely, it was 10 times worse for him.
Chan added, "we are teaming up with our friends from the force and intend on taking down Ateez for good before they can cause any more havoc."
Jinyoung nodded, "from now until the mission time, you will all be required to stay home for your safety, to protect your loved ones and yourselves. You will not go out for anything and you will not give any more information about the mission other than these specific demands"


"Stay home, stay inside, have a rest, protect those around you" Jisung continued, rattling off the orders his boss had given him.
Why hadn't the threat been dealt with? After the whole incident last time, what was stopping them from stopping this group all together? I for one was not keen on going through the memory wipe again thank you.
There was one question that dwelled in my mind, "what about me? I mean, they know who I am so surely I can't go out either"
They know my name, my face, everything. Though they did say they'd hope not to see my face again, so maybe that was a sign that they didn't want to hurt me after all.

All of it was getting too much. The uncertainty of it all had me overthinking and I didn't really know what was best to do. Jisung hadn't specified how long he would have to be inside and I wasn't sure if he even knew or not. There was no chance that we could stay locked up in our house forever as we'll need food at some point. What about Felix? Could I even talk to him about this? I wanted to but I doubt he would even say anything; the boys are too good at their jobs (as frustrating as it may be for me).
"I'll talk to your brother about it, but for now, we can have a home delivery of food and supplies".
Jisung's solution made a lot of sense, protect us both until I know it's safe for me to go out. For us both to leave the confines of our place.
It would be weird staying at home for a long amount of time but I'm sure it would fly by. I mean, I hoped it would fly by.

I called my friend at work to cover my business while I was at home, using the excuse that I was coming down with flu and didn't know how long before I was good again. She completely understood and I couldn't have asked for better. My social media was shut down for a few days so that I couldn't be tracked through that. Also, then I wouldn't be posting anything about Jisung or that I was at home constantly. It was a win win. Some detox time from the internet. I say that, but the first thing Jisung did to calm us was stick Crunchy Roll on to binge watch a series.
He suggested watching Tower of God, which was on my watchlist as it's meant to be good but when I saw Sword Art Online, my heart was set on it. So, SAO it was.

It was enough to get my mind off other things, melt into a world of fantasy. My worries about Jisung, myself, Chan and Felix disappeared in that moment. It was just me and my boy loving life and cuddling on the sofa.

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