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Leona White; 

The common room was amazing

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The common room was amazing. The walls were matte black, black couches placed near the fireplace. Crystal chandeliers hanging above the ceiling. Green plants spread across the room, I was in complete awe. 

"Beautiful, right?" Theodore chuckled as he noticed my reaction. I nodded my head, this place was a lot better than Beauxbatons. We didn't have common rooms, only dormitories. 

"It's lovely but where is everyone?" There was hardly anyone in here, only two young girls chilling by the fireplace.

Theodore chuckled quietly before gesturing to the clock, "Everyone's in their dorms. If you follow me, I'll show you yours."

Clutching my purse he walks me up the stairs then turns right and walks down a long corridor. We make a stop at a matte black door, the names Leona and my selves marked on it.

Theodore knocked on the door but there was no answer. "Maybe she's asleep?" He chuckled lowly at my suggestion, "Leona doesn't sleep at 23:00, funny."

As I was about to say something, the door swung open and a messy, sweaty girl stood before us. "What do you want?" She snapped, her attitude put me off slightly but I was intrigued.

"You're eh- new roommate, Leona. Meet, Alora Cole," Theodore smiled as he pointed at me.

The once frustrated girl instantly smiled as she pulled me into a hug. I was taken back by her sudden change in mood, I don't usually hug people myself. 

"Lovely to meet you, Alora. Come in. Your stuff is already here," she beamed. 

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Alora." I waved goodbye to Theodore and stepped inside my dorm. 

The dorm was lovely, my side was plain obviously but my roommate's side was beautiful. Her bed was attached to the wall with white fluffy duvets covering it along with white, grey and black pillows. There was a huge painting hanging on the wall and bright lights attached to the walls.

"How come my bed isn't like yours?" I asked, it looked really comfy.

"Oh, I charmed it. Want me to do it for yours?" I nodded my head and she charmed my bed, I was pretty amazed by her abilities.

I settled down onto my bed, relaxing before I unpack everything. "Sorry if I woke you," I mumble an apology.

"Hah no worries, I was masturbating," she says ever so casually. I rose my brows but chuckled instead, I like her. 

"Well then- I'm just going to unpack," I tell her. She hums and goes into the bathroom and locks the door, probably to finish off what she started.

I took out my wand and cast a spell to unpack everything. I hid my secret stash in a draw, charming it so no one can open it. I placed my drawing journal on my book, ready to take with me tomorrow. 

Thirty minutes later, my roommate comes back into the room. "So where did you come from?" She asked me as she placed her things away. 

"Beauxbatons!" She nods her head as she jumps into her bed, wrapping herself in her blanket.

"I hate to ask but did you get expelled? We don't normally have transfers this late," she asks cautiously. I chuckle at her scared reaction and shake my head. 

"My mum decided she wanted me to spend my last year at Hogwarts," I explained. I wasn't allowed to tell her the whole truth but for now, this is all she or anyone else gets. 

She hummed to herself for a while before letting out a giggle, "Very well. You'll love it here, I can show you around tomorrow."

"That would be lovely, thank you."

She turns the lights off, "Good night, Alora."


I barely slept that night. My mind was too stirred up on the idea of heading to classes tomorrow, I don't know anyone here - except my cousin and Leona now. Sleep came to me pretty hard that night, I barely had a full hour of sleep. My nerves began kicking in alongside the anxiety.

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