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I woke up with a pounding headache that morning, I've been in worse states than this but I've never had a headache as bad as this one

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I woke up with a pounding headache that morning, I've been in worse states than this but I've never had a headache as bad as this one.

"Leona?" I mumbled as I try my best to keep my eyes closed. She didn't reply. "Leona!"

Still...no reply.

"LEONA!" I screamed and when I finally opened my eyes, I realised I've been screaming at no one because Leona isn't here. 

I rubbed my head slightly as I tried to remember the events from last night but nothing came to memory, I couldn't remember anything past the moment Leona and I walked down the stairs. How did I even get in my bed?

I check the time on the clock and it reads '11:55'. Scratching my head, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Then it all hits me...

I'm supposed to study with Malfoy...

I roll out of bed and fall onto the floor, grunting as I rub my elbow in pain. I quickly go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I slap on some joggers and a tank top before grabbing my books. The clock read '12:14' so I dashed out of my room, running down into the common room. 

Thankfully, there weren't that many people inside today. I noticed Malfoy was nowhere around, he wouldn't have left this easily. I see a fifth-year boy walking down the stairs and rush over to him, "You! Where's Draco Malfoys dorm?"

"Who wants to know?" He asked. I yanked his collar and shoved him onto the stairs, "Someone who will kill not only him but you in a second."

He gulped before letting me know he was in the last room, down the hall of the boys' dormitory. I ran up there and pinched my nose at the horrible toxication first year's, I thought to myself. 

Once arriving at the last door, I knocked on the door but got no reply. I banged on it a couple of times, "Open up!" When I began getting frustrated I pulled out my wand, "Alohamora."

When I heard the click, I yanked the door open to see Malfoy stretched out on the bed reading his book. I stormed over to him and threw his book on the floor out of pure anger. 

"What the fuck?" He snapped, sitting up on his bed. "We agreed to study for the potions thing, we still need to-"

"I don't give a damn about that. Show yourself out," he seethed. I stood in front of him, crossing my arms over his chest as I stared at him.

I looked around his room and an idea popped into my mind. "Okay, fine. I'll leave," I smiled innocently. He lay back onto his bed and I ran towards the book I threw, grabbed it and ran out of his room. 

"Hey!" He yelled. I could hear footsteps chasing me but I didn't care. I got to the common room but unfortunately for me he lifted me onto his shoulders and threw me onto the couch, pinning me down. 

He grabbed his book and smirked, "I'll be down in 5 minutes." I smiled innocently before sitting down on the couch, watching him depart back into his room. 

Once he got here we were working for an hour straight. Getting everything we needed done, he actually wasn't bad company other than his sudden outbursts. We got to work and decided on doing Veritaserum, Amortentia, Skele-gro, dreamless sleep potion and draught of living death. 

I still couldn't remember what happened last night and it was beginning to bug me. I had a sneaky suspicion that maybe Malfoy knows.

"Hey Malfoy, were you at the party last night?" I asked as I looked at him curiously. "Didn't stay long," he muttered under his breath without looking up at me. 

"Well, did I do anything weird? Anything- uh- embarrassing?" I asked cautiously as I bit the lid of my pen. 

He slammed his book shut before looking at me, "I don't really use my time to pay attention to girls like you, Cole. You asked me here to do the fucking project, so bloody do that." 

I blinked a couple of times at his sudden outburst. I only asked him a simple question, his temper was horrible. 

"You should really get those emotions of yours checked," I mumbled and he looked up at me, shooting me a glare. 

I sighed in defeat, not in the right state of mind to argue with him. I opened my textbook and the parchment of potions written on it.

When I came here, I think I remember seeing a pensive in McGonagall's office. Hopefully, she'll let me use it to check my memories from last night, I mean it couldn't have been that bad; not worse than what I've done in the past. 


Once Malfoy and I were done, I rushed over to McGonagall's office. Knocking on the door, I opened it once permission was granted. 

"Ah- Ms. Cole. What can I help you with today?" She smiled at me as I walked over to her desk. 

I leaned over her desk, "I was wondering if I could view my memories from last night. In your pensive." She stood up from her desk, walking around it to reach me. 

"Why, may I ask?" She asks as she thinks about my need. "Well, something happened to me last night and I don't seem to remember," I explained. 

She threw her hands in the air as a sign of defeat and gestured for me to follow her. "Do you know how to remove memories?" She asked me as she opened up the pensive. 

"Yes." She gestured for me to use it and taking my wand out, I drag out the memory from last night and place it in the pensive. "See ya in a few," I joked and when I got no reaction I just dumped my head into the pensive. 

The memories were all a blur but I could see enough,

Leona and I taking a selfie.  

Leona and I took a drink.  

The boys catcalling us.   

Shot games with the boys. 

Strip games, in which I didn't participate in.

More drinks. 

More drinks. 

Me, grinding on Atlas. Oh, God.

Me locking eyes with Malfoy. 

Following Malfoy. 

Giving head to Malfoy-

Blacking out.

I lifted my head up and took in a deep breath as I used the edges of the pensive to calm down. "Everything okay?" McGonagall asked me as she placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Yes, thank you," I breathed and walked towards the door. "Oh and Ms. Cole, be more responsible with your intakes next time," McGonagall smiled and I laughed it off as I walked out of the office and to my common room. 


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Also, thank you guys so much for 3K reads <3

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