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Draco had to go back home for a while, apparently, his parents needed him urgently so he had to go home for the weekend

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Draco had to go back home for a while, apparently, his parents needed him urgently so he had to go home for the weekend. I was just happy he'd be back in time for our potions project for class, we had to make two of the potions. 

I was waiting for Leona who was in a state, it was Monday and she hated Mondays. "Leona, hurry up. I want to see Draco," I yelled. 

"In a second!"

After a whole two minutes, she comes out and we head downstairs. "You know, you don't have to yell in the mornings," she huffs to which I roll my eyes. 

"Then hurry up when I- Oh my god, he's back!" I squealed and ran up to him from behind and wrapped my hands around his waist. 

He turned back and shot me a small smile before turning his attention to his friends. "The fuck is his deal?" Leona whispered in my ear once I walked back up to her. 

"Come on, he's probably tired," I sighed and dragged her out of the common room. 

Once I arrived in the potions classroom, everyone else walked in shortly after. Hermione shot me a smile as she took her place next to Atlas, Draco just sat next to me as if I didn't exist. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, touching his arm. He shrugged my hand off, "I'm fine. Stop with the PDA, no one needs to know shit."

I backed off slightly and rolled my eyes, fine, be a dick. "Atlas, you ready?" I asked the brunette who looked bored out of his mind. 

"No, I have know-it-all-Granger as my partner," he chuckled. "Fuck off," Hermione snapped as she shoved the boy. 

I shook my head, "So how was your birthday? I'm sorry if I ruined it." He shook his head as he chuckled, "Not even, it was amazing. Sorry about the guy."

I waved him off, "No worries. PTSD, am I right?" He stared at me before laughing along. 

Not long later, Snape lets us know we can begin and he's going to be coming around grading us. We were only allowed to speak to our partners, if we spoke to anyone else that would lead to a big fat T. 

Making the potions took overall forever to make. We're not allowed to know our grades until we receive our NEWTs, great. 

Once we packed up and handed the potions with the labels on to Snape, we all exited the classroom. I was catching up to Theo when I felt someone pull me by arm. 

"Draco? What?" I snapped, staring at the frustrated blonde in front of me. 

"What the fuck was that before class? With Atlas?" He asked, breathing onto my face as he was so close to me. 

I stared at him with confusion glistening my eyes. I had no clue what he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"The flirty 'how are you' and 'how was your birthday'," he huffed. "Sorry, my boyfriend was busy being a dick to me so excuse me for wanting to talk to someone who fucking listens."

He rolled his eyes before he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath I didn't know he was keeping in. 

"Look, we need to be more careful. I'm not ready for everyone to know."

I looked into his eyes and just exhaled, "Okay. I have to go." He stopped me, looked around before plating a small kiss on my lips. 

"You're the best," he chuckled and I gave him a small smile before leaving. 

A part of me wonders why he wants to keep it all a secret, I've been around many French boys to know that when boys say that they are most likely cheating. I just hope that's not the case with my boy. 


"Like the whole relationship? A secret?" Leona asked in astonishment. 

We were sitting outside in the fields eating, I wasn't in the mood to sit inside. Draco didn't even bother to sit with me, he always eats with me. Talking to Leona is what's best at this point, she's been through things like this. 

"I just don't get it. He punched a guy for me, twice. What's there to keep hidden?" Leona shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what to say. I didn't blame her.

"We just need to keep an eye on him. He's a decent bloke just I fear he's making bad decisions," Leona sighed. 

Bad decisions?

"Yeah. Anyways hows things with Pansy?" I asked, hoping to change the subject of my already doomed relationship. 

"Good, good. We've been trying out these new positions and oh my-"

"No! No! No! I don't need to hear that, baby," I screeched. 

I love Leona entirely but hearing about her sexual life is too much for me, this girl describes it in detail. When I mean detail, I mean detail. From the taste of her lips to the taste of her orgasms to the number of drops of sweat that dripped. 

"Fine. We're good though, her ex is annoying me on a different level," she huffs. 

As she pointed at my salad which I haven't finished, I rolled my eyes, "How so? Spill."

"Well, you know how Pansy is bisexual. So, her ex is a dude. You know, Pucey. Motherfucker has the audacity to tell her he wants her back when she's mine."

I keep in my chuckle by swallowing the piece of lettuce. "Okay, I have some advice."

"When I was in my third year I began to cope with my trauma by being in control with guys, I told you. So this one guy, Orlen, he was the hottest guy in our year. Not only did I lose my virginity to him, I fucked him in front of his ex in the library," I explained. 

Leona blinked at me a couple of times before bursting into laughter. "You, my best friend, are the best thing to have ever happened to me. What happened after?" 

A smirk grew on my lips, "He got with her eventually. But the point is, if you want the guy jealous, either make out with her in front of him or make sure he catches you guys in a steamy moment."

She rubbed her chin before a smirk appeared on her face. she leaned forwards and kissed my cheek before I wiped the disgusting saliva off, I don't know where her mouth was before I was here.

"I love you," she exclaims as she giggles to herself. 

"Me more, you whore."


It's a bit concerning how I'm so excited to write the next chapter oh my god. 

Two words: LOTS OF TEA!

It will be up hopefully if I don't get distracted in thirty minutes or so :))

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