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Everywhere surrounding her was black

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Everywhere surrounding her was black. She could barely see anything and when she could it was due to the sun that was minimally shining through the window, other than that she could not see.

The walls were cracked with blood all over them, making her wonder if this is the same place. The same place she was, the same place her father was or the same place all of their other victims were. 

The only noise she could hear was the thumping of the heavy boots pacing up the stairs, they did a lot of pacing. The only noise she could hear was the thumping of the heavy boots walking up and down the stairs to where she was held. 

Her arms were all chained and she had magic holding her back. There was no one to talk to other than the fetus growing inside of her but how long before they begin to leave her too. 

Her hair was scruffy, she smelt awful, her clothes were ripped and there was blood dripping down her body every single day. 

It was times like these she wished she finished the job all those years ago.

She flinched as she heard the heavy boots thumping down the stairs and the door creaking open, the same person walking towards her. 

"Eat!" The person snapped, placing the metal tray down before her; the person was the only person here that hasn't abused or tortured her. 

"Eat, Cole!" The person snapped, she was a woman. 

When Alora didn't move, the woman sat in front of her, lifting her face up by her chin. "Look, if you don't want the beast inside of you to die then eat the bloody food," she said in a calming yet demanding voice. 

Alora's legs were chained yet her hands were free- shakingly she picked up the spoon and ate the porridge. Porridge - it's all they'd ever feed her along with broccoli, she hated broccoli.

"Edward will be down soon to speak with you, prepare yourself," the woman sighed and Alora heard her footsteps descending back upstairs. 

A tear strolled down her face as she thought about Edward, the same man who abused her as a little girl. She doesn't know what he wants with her, why he's after her. 

The man was cruel, vicious and an awful person. 

Once she finished her porridge, she leaned against the wall thinking about how long she's been stuck in here. Her stomach began to grow so she knows it's been at least over a month or so but she has a gut feeling it's been longer. 

The second the sun settled down, Alora jolted up at the noise of the heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. The door was opened and slowly, she could make out his figure walking closer. 

"Lumos!" She heard him whisper and the room lit up, showing him in front of her. 

He grinned as he walked closer to her, kneeling down in front of her. "Hello, Alora," he whispered, making her shiver at his voice. 

"10 years, 10 years since you're insufferable father let you go. Three since they managed to find him," he explained. 

He began stroking her cheekbone to which Alora moved her head, he let go and stood up, pacing around the room. "I hear congratulations are in order," he raised his voice, pointing to her stomach. 

She clutched her stomach as she feared not for herself but for the foetus growing inside of her. "What do you want from me?" She managed to ask.

Edward's brows rose at the sound of her voice, she hadn't spoken at all during the time she's been here. When she was a little girl all she would do is cry.

"I'm glad you asked, my sweet Alora. I need access to your family vault," he said as he made his way back to her. 

She let out a choked laugh, "You're daft if you think I'll let you." He rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek before slapping Alora across the cheek. 

"And you're daft if you think you're leaving here, alive," he spat and walked out, slamming the door behind her. 


Leona's P.O.V.

It's been three fucking months and no one's bloody found her. No one even knows where the fuck she is.

Harry, Ron, Atlas, Draco, Theo, Pansy and I are all sat in my living room. We've been meeting weekly as we all are trying to figure out where the hell Alora could be, no one's figured out a thing. 

"We need to find her, gather your shit faster," Draco yelled at the four ministry workers who have been trying their best. 

"Guys, has anyone tried speaking to her father?" I asked, wondering if it's worth a shot. 

Atlas snorted as he looked up at me, "Leona, her dad's been in a psych ward for three years. He hasn't spoken a word since they found him." 

"It's our only chance, maybe if he hears about-" 

Atlas shook his head, stopping me mid-sentence, "No. Alora told him about her pregnancy, her miscarriage, her successes and life yet he didn't wake. Trust me, he's useless."

Harry rubbed his chin, deep in thought as if he wanted to say something. "Spit it out, Potter. What is it?" I snapped, rolling my eyes. 

"Her father might work. If he hears about his daughter being kidnapped yet again he might make some sort of communication," he said, standing up to pace the room.

"Where is he located?" Draco asked, mainly looking at Atlas as he's visited him before. 

Atlas rubbed his templed before snapping his fingers, "Some psych ward near Alora's apartment. I'll go see if I can-" 

Before Atlas could finish Draco stood up, "I'm coming. Let's go." I grabbed hold of his wrist, "Draco, I don't thin-"

He shrugged me off, ignoring me and it took everything in me to not lose my temper. He went to the floo with Atlas leaving the rest of us to do nothing but wait. 

"Do you think she's dead?" We all turned to look at Theo who had tears brimming the edge of his eyes. Before anyone could lash out at him, I walked over to him pulling him into a hug knowing he's just terrified. 


What are some of your theories for this? I love reading them haha :))

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