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Weasels and Fun;

"Draco, I am not going to do your arithmancy homework for you

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"Draco, I am not going to do your arithmancy homework for you. Our potions thing is due in a week, focus!" I snapped, hiding the slight smile on my face.

The obnoxious blonde rolled his eyes as he slouched in his chair, "I personally think this is all a waste and we should head back to my dorm."

"Finish this and maybe we can," I winked which made his eyes widen. 

I could help the giggle that escaped my lips. The amazing thing about being in a relationship with Draco is that we're both completely new to this. Neither of us knows shit about what we're doing but it's fine we're in this together. 

"Ahem!" I was snapped out of my thoughts to see a friend of mine standing by the desk. "Oh my- Ginny, hello. How are you?" I asked, exhilarated she's here. 

She smiled at me, "I'm fine, thank you Alora. You're partners with Ronald, right?" I heard a scoff come from Draco's mouth but I ignored it as I nodded my head, "Yes but why?"

"My dear brother is a little scared to ask for your notes, thinking your ferret-faced bodyguard will do something. Mind if I take them back?" My eyes widened slightly but I nodded my head as I chuckled. 

"Of course and he's not my bodyguard. Please let him know he shouldn't be frightened to speak to me, I enjoy his company very much," I explained as I handed her the notes. 

"Yeah, he's just a wuss don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow, right?" She asked. "Yes, of course."

She gave me a swift nod before her head turned to Draco, "Ferret!"


Their glares remained on each other until Ginny had left Draco and I's area. My eyes squinted slightly as I watched him. "What?" He asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"What is it with you and hating every Weasley? You know, they aren't terrible people," I sighed, spreading my potions work on the desk. 

He let out a chuckle before sitting up slightly, "It's not that. I've always hated Potter and Weasel along with Weaslette and the mud- Granger."

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"You see, back in first year, Potter spat on my hand when I offered my friendship to him. Weasel and Granger have been accustomed to his bullying ever since. If you ask me, he started it, I'm just protecting myself," he explained. 

I stared at the boy as I knew he was lying his ass off to me right now and he was not very good at it. I know for a matter of fact that Potter and Ron aren't bullies but just go with Draco's rubbish but it's not my place to get involved.

"Why do you even like the orange-headed git," Draco added as he played with his fingernails. 

"He makes me laugh in class, he's a funny guy he is."

Draco scrunched his nose slightly before rolling his eyes. "I make you laugh."

I placed a hand over his and rubbed it slightly as I stared into those wondrous eyes, "Your actions make me laugh. Your actions."


Once we arrived back in the common room, I was too tired to do anything. I decided to go back to my dorm and sleep for a bit before Leona dragged me down to the Great Hall. 

Walking towards my room, I heard screams and shrieks coming from inside my dorm. I was a little frightened to go inside in case Pansy and Leona were trying something new so I made a U-Turn. 

That was until I heard my name. 

"You! Come inside, right NOW!" I turned around and saw Leona with a straight face, she looked like she's been hyperventilating. 

I walk inside carefully and she slams the door shut, Theo was sitting there with a scared look on his face. "Is everyone oka-"

"Do you know what he just told me?" Leona yelled, pointing at Theo. 

I rose my brows slightly having no clue what she's talking about, I glanced at Theo who was hugging his knees. 


She scoffed, "No. No, of course, you don't because you were with your fuckface boyfriend." I held my hand in the air, "What is going on?"

She took in a deep breath, fanning herself before walking to Theo. "This idiot lost his VIRGINITY!" She screamed, holding Theo's shoulder and pointing at him. 

"Oh my god, you did? How was it?" I asked, running up to my best friend. He began smiling once he realised I was a sane person but I was quickly shoved back by Leona. 

"Do you think this is funny? He lost his virginity, Alora," Leona had a look of shock plastered on her face at my reaction. 

I shook my head as I sat next to Theo. "Leona, we're his best friends. Not his parents. Why exactly are you not happy?" I asked her. 

"Let me rephrase my wording, babe," she whispered. "Theo lost his virginity, TWO WEEKS AGO!" She raised her voice as the anger re-entered her face. 

I looked to Theo who stared between the two of us, taking in my reaction. "Theo, is this true?" I asked, my heart shattering slightly. 

"I was going to tell you, I swear. I just forgot," he shrugged. 

This whole situation was a little funny to me so I decided to play along. 

"Wait, how did you find out?" I asked Leona who was rubbing her forehead in a way to calm herself down. 

She began laughing as she shot daggers at the tiny boy. "I got this new ring sent to me from my mother and you were busy shagging your boyfriend in madam Prince's office so I decided to force Theo to see it. I walk into his room and I instantly ran to his bathroom," she shivered. 

I scrunched my face slightly before bursting into a fit of laughter. "S-So she saw- saw your?" They both nodded and I couldn't help but laugh even more, this was hilarious. 

"Merlin, better you than me," I giggled which earned a smack to the arm from both parties. 

"It's fine, Leona. Little baby is growing up," I pouted as I brought Theo into a hug. 

He groaned at the affection but gave in to the hug. "Leona, come on. So what you saw his dick, one of us was bound to see it," I shrugged and she rolled her eyes in disgust before sitting down. 

"I have a guy who can help with the sizing if it-"

"LEONA!" Theo and I shrieked as we slapped her arm. She rolled her eyes before hugging the two of us.

I accio'd my camera and decided to take a picture of this moment. "I shall call it, Theo's manly awakening."

They both groaned but shrugged it off.


Hehe this was a little filler chapter, something happy instead of dull and depressing. 

I know some of you guys said you wanted there to be drama and it's going to be building up from the next chapter.  

Thank you guys so much for 8K, love you lots <3

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