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Library Dates;

Snape told us to use our lesson times to do our projects privately, meaning no lessons, meaning more time with Malfoy

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Snape told us to use our lesson times to do our projects privately, meaning no lessons, meaning more time with Malfoy. I sent him an owl, letting him know to meet me in the library if he even bothers to show up. 

As I was waiting, I decided to grab my journal and continue my drawing of the common room. I was deep in thought as I drew and the sudden touch of someone's cold hands on my shoulders startled me. 

"You're actually good something," the voice whispered in my ear. I didn't need to turn around to know it was Malfoy.

I shrugged him off and watched him take a seat in front of me, "Unlike you who's only good at being a prick to others." He rolled his eyes as he took out his work and laid it out in front of me. 

"I-Eh I took the liberty of researching three of the potions, you just have to do two," he said as he handed me three parchments. 

I stared at him with wide eyes as I cautiously took the parchments from him. "It's not cursed," he joked to which I rolled my eyes. 

I scanned over the work he did and there was a slight smile forming on my lips, "Impressive, Malfoy. I'm somewhat pleased." He scoffed as he took the parchments back, "Please! I did most of the work out of pure boredom."

"Well either way, thank you. I honestly thought you'd dump it all on me," I sighed as I closed my journal and put it away. 

"Oh don't flatter yourself, I was. But, Snape said he'll know who's done what and if I don't participate it affects my NEWTs," Malfoy said as he crossed his hands together. 

I rolled my eyes, "Glad to see you care about your education." He smiled before leaning back into his chair, "So, you draw?" 

"Yes, I've been drawing ever since I was little." He nodded his head as he rubbed his chin slightly, "That's cute."

I don't know why the fact that he called me 'cute' made me blush, it's not like me. I don't blush over guys, I never have and never will.

 "I'll eh- ehm go find some books on Amortentia and eh...veritaserum," I said and walked over to the back of the room where the potions books were kept. 

Most of the books were dusty and old which made me cringe slightly, I ran a hand over the spine of the books as I walked all the way to the end, near the window. 

There were a few books on potions but there were none on the ones I needed to find. Bastard left the hardest one's to me, great. 

As I was about to take a book out of the shelf, I felt someone grasp my arms and pin them behind me. I was now flipped over and came face to face with those ocean-like eyes. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked in a hushed tone as he brought his lips to my ear. I hummed as I nodded my head, the feeling of his breath brushing against my skin too much to handle. 

"I need to hear you say it," he whispered. "Y-Yes," I choked out and I could feel the smirk that was growing on his face. 

He began leaving gentle kisses on my neck, bringing his lips down as he sucked on every piece of skin he would kiss. His pace fastened as he came in contact with my lips, brushing his lips against mine in a way to tease me. 

He crashed his lips onto mine and let go of my hands instead bringing his own up to my waist as he gripped onto it. I snaked my hands around his neck as I pushed him closer to me, he bit onto my lip which caused a moan to eject from my mouth. 

Not removing his lips from mine, he uses his finger to travel down my hips all the way under my skirt to my thighs. I hum lowly, trying not to forget the fact that we're in a library. 

In the emotion of the kiss a volume of passion is spoken that transcends the works of the great Wizards surrounding us. His kiss becomes deeper and harder, giving me a feeling I've never had the pleasure of feeling before. I knotted my fists into his shirt as I pushed him into me causing him to let out a soft groan.

His hand travels up the inside of my thigh until it reaches my underwear. He puts his hand inside as he begins to stroke my pussy, "So wet for me," he breathes as he rubs on my clit. 

Without warning, he slides a finger inside of me and I let out a purr as I grip onto his shirt harder. He begins to pump fast as I try my best to be quiet, my head falling back in pleasure. 

I wasn't going to let him know he has such a hard effect on me. As he slides another finger inside of me, I hold in my moans. His pace quickens and I can feel my high, he knew what he was doing to me and I hated it. 

"Draco..." I moan lowly into his ear which makes him work faster and harder. "I-I" I couldn't even form normal words, there has never been a guy who has made me feel as good as he is right now. 

"Come you whore," he spat. I gripped onto his shirt, my nails digging into his skin as I came onto his fingers. Once he took his fingers out of me, he brought them to his lips, sucking them off. 

I gulped and he winked at me before walking back. I was so confused about what happened but I quickly regained myself, fixing my hair and clothes before walking after him. 

He was sat on the desk with a book in his hand, he looked up at me with a smirk. I sat on the table and tapped my nails on the desk. 

"You forgot your book, Cole," he said lowly as he began biting on the lid of his pen. I looked around the desk to see I did indeed forget the books I needed.

I grabbed my bag and books as I stood up, "You know, I think it's best if I just do the research tonight. I-eh I know a lot about it already, don't worry."

He parted his lips to speak but I cut him off, "Same time tomorrow? Great, see you." I ran out of the library as fast as possible, thinking what the fuck just happened in there. 


Thank you guys so much for 4K, truly <3

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