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Happy New Years;

TW: The picture below should be a giveaway but Sexual Content!

It's been a couple of days since Draco and I's bonding experience

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It's been a couple of days since Draco and I's bonding experience. We haven't talked about what happened but we've been together a week straight; he's been with me for every meal along with Leona, despite the fact she runs in late after a heavy hour with Pansy.

It was December 31st, New Year's Eve. The few Slytherins that remained at school, decided to get together for New Years' - it was definitely not how I imagined my New Years' but I'm not entirely complaining.

I was sat in the common room alongside Leona and Pansy, begging for a reason to leave. I was not one for PDA but these two had no trouble showing their feelings for one another, especially since not that many people were even in here.

"So, excited for the new year?" I asked, hoping they would stop snogging each other. "Mhm, so ready," Leona giggled as she spoke to me through Pansy's lips.

"I'm so excited Theo's coming back in a few days," I mumbled trying to grasp her attention but nope. 

I groaned loudly and stared at the fire. I decided to go see my cousin considering he's here, his family isn't very fond of his relationship.

"I'll be back," I muttered but waved it off since none of them paid attention.

The walk to the Hufflepuff common room wasn't too long considering they're down in the basement. I saw a Hufflepuff entering their common room so I ran up to them, "Excuse me? Hi, yes you."

"Can I help you?" The young girl asked. I smiled at her before leaning against the wall, "Could you get Adam for me please? 7th year, tall, last name Cole."

She nodded her head and hurried inside, moments later my cousin came out with a smile plastered on his face, "Well well, the princess knows we exist." I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut it you, care for a walk?"

We walked towards the direction of the dungeons slowly. "So, how've you been? I'm sorry you couldn't go home," my cousin said.

"I've been better, me too. It's for the best, mum would've just been stressed out. I'm sorry about your parents, Aunt Meridith can be a bit much," I chuckled as I looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

He shrugged, "It is what it is. I just don't get them with their blood status nonsense, so what if I'm dating a muggle-born? My happiness is more important you prejudiced fucks."

I slapped his shoulder slightly as we arrived at my common room, leaning on the wall as we carried on our conversation. "Give them time, you know how traditional they are. If you're serious about whatever her face is, they'll come around."

"Sure...watch when I have kids they'll look at them as if they're filth," Adam scoffed, rubbing his temples.

I squealed at the thought of his little copycats running around, "You know I hate kids but mini Adam's would make me complete." He burst out laughing as he processed the thought through his mind.

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