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TW: Slight mentions of Violence

The following Monday, I was walking to potions with Theo

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The following Monday, I was walking to potions with Theo. He was telling me all about how his Alchemy professor failed him, "-And I just stood there. I studied so hard."

I chuckled before wrapping an arm over his shoulder, "Want me to seduce him to up your grade?" His eyes widened as he stared at me, trying to examine whether or not I'm joking. 

"I'm taking a liking to you so I'd rather not have you expelled," he laughed as he opened the classroom door for me. 

"If you need it, just say the magic word," I winked and he shoved my shoulder slightly before going to his table. 

I sat down on my desk, the boys were already here but I ignored them as I got ready for class. I'm taking a liking to the professor, he's dull but interesting. You can tell there has been a lot of trauma in his life by just looking deep into his soul, potions may be my favourite class so far. 

"As part of your NEWTs, you will be working in pairs for an assignment which is 25% of your grade. I've already chosen your partners so you can keep quiet now. You'll need to research five different potions, you'll make two of them together and write your report down. You have until January to hand me this," he explained. 

Potions was getting rather exciting, back at home I would learn to expertise a new potion every week. Being only 17, I have nearly all of the potions written down. 

"Theo, you can go with-"

Once he called everyone's names, there was only four of us left. Me, Malfoy, Atlas and a Gryffindor girl with bushy hair. I prayed I would get her, having either boy was traumatising enough. 

"Nott you can go with Granger. And Cole you're with Malfoy," Snape said. 

I stared at the professor and take back every nice word I said about him. Malfoy was seated across from me, shooting me a glare. With a sigh, I got up from my seat and moved to sit next to him. 

"You can start thinking about what potions you may use," Snape explained as he went behind his desk and did some work. 

I took my potions book out and skimmed through the potions that were listed in the book, "I thought we could maybe do cough potion, laughing po-"

"You want to do beginners work? We can add useless to the list as well," he snapped as he snatched the book out of my hand. 

I blind a couple of times, staring at the blonde before snatching my book back, "I was keeping it simple for you. If you want to do trickier potions, sure but I'm not going to fail because of you." 

He laughed as he snatched the book back and opened it to a page, reading the wordings. "We can do the veritase-" I began but was cut off by his loud yawning. 

I exhaled pretty loudly before raising my hand, waiting for Snape.. Once he came over I took in a deep breath, "Professor, I wish to switch partners or at least do this on my own. I can't work with an insufferable ferret."

"You get who you're stuck with, Miss Cole," he dulled and walked back over to his desk. 

"Did you just call me a ferret?" I turned my head around to see Malfoy, glaring at me with a certain rage visible on his face.

 I shook my head, unfortunately, "I'm so sorry, Draco. I shouldn't have offended you like that. What I meant to call you was an otter, how could I be so stupid?"

A smirk grew on my lips as his eyes widened at my words, I snatched the book out of his hands and began writing down some possible potions we could make. 

Throughout the rest of the class, he didn't say one word to me but I did feel his stare on me, I couldn't care less but I knew this was going to be very interesting. 

Once class was over, I grabbed my bag and rushed to get to my last lesson of the day. "I'll see you back at the common room, Alora," Theo yelled after as he ran over to his next lesson. 

I waved him off before walking down the corridor, on my way to Muggle Studies. The corridor was empty as I made my way down the hall. Despite being known for its homey feeling, this castle gave me shivers every time I was somewhere alone. I heard heavy footsteps following me but I didn't dare turn back, I just quickened my pace. 

Once the footsteps began increasing, I walked even faster to the point I was running. My breathing became heavier as my heart was racing and all I wanted to do was find Leona or Theo or someone. 

I turned the opposite direction of where I was supposed to go and leaned against the wall, the footsteps no longer being heard. I inhaled and exhaled a few times as I calmed myself down, you're fine Alora.

I paced my breathing until I felt someone grab my throat, slamming me against the wall. I whimpered slightly before opening my eyes to be met with the blue orbs I have been accompanied by. 

"You should know I don't let people who disrespect me leave without facing the consequences," he snarled. The grip on my throat was tightening and I tried to push his hands away but he wouldn't budge. 

"G-Get o-off me," I choked as I shot him a glare. He chuckled lowly, shaking his head before he brought his lips to my ear, "Watch the way you speak to me, Cole. This is nothing compared to what I'm really capable of."

His eyes were locked onto mine, staring at me with nothing but coldness visible. I could barely breathe which he noticed as he let go of my neck and took a step back from me, "Watch your back, Cole." He walked away, leaving me on the floor as I leaned against the wall, not giving a damn if I'm late for class. 

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