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"I'm fine

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"I'm fine. I'm fine. Pull yourself together, it's been too long," I prepped myself up. If any sane person was here they'd think I'm out of my mind. 

I decide to walk downstairs and take a break from the unboxing of my things. I was startled to see Theo and Atlas in the living room having a laugh. 

"Does Leona not have better security?" I mumbled, placing myself inbetween the twins. 

"Nice to see you too," Atlas chuckled as he made room for me. 

I groaned, snatching Theo's beer and taking a sip. "Draco was here," I sighed and their heads snapped in my direction. 

"He was looking for Godzilla's purse. Instead he found the green box," I explained. 

The boys' eyes widened as they watched me carefully. "Did he find out about Sc-" 

"No. I grabbed it before he could open it," I interrupted Theo. 

"You know, I think we should go see Leona," Atlas mentioned, snatching the beer out of my hand. I frowned slightly, I really wasn't in the mood to go out especially after my mini-breakdown. 

Theo and Atlas lifted me up, taking me to the floo. "I don't use magi-" They groaned before shoving me inside. "Use the damn floo," Theo snapped.

I raised my hands up in surrender and took some floo powder, yelling, "St. Mungo's!"


St.Mungo's has changed a lot since the last time I've been here. Shortly after, Atlas and Theo arrived behind me. "God, you'd think for a hospital they'd clean their floo's," Theo said in disgust. 

He dragged us to a room labelled 'L.W' and I felt a shred of happiness erupt inside me for her success. Theo knocked on the door and with a loud yell, we entered to find Leona sitting down. 

"Alora, you came," she smiled as she got up to hug me. I hugged her back as I chuckled, she's too cute. 

"Oh yeah, it's not like we're here. Excuse us," Theo complained, shoving Atlas out of the way as he made his way to an empty chair. 

Leona rolled her eyes at the boys behaviour, "You'd think he was on his period or something. Anyways, what brings you to my workspace."

Theo shrugged his shoulders, looking at Atlas as it was his idea to bring us. "Draco nearly found out about you-know-what," Atlas said making me glare at him. 

"He WHAT? What happened?" Leona yelled, slamming her door shut. She threw Theo off of one of the chairs, placing me on it as she sat on the othet one. 

Ignoring Theo's complaint, I frowned slightly, "He came looking for that man-stealer's purse. He found me looking at the old pictures. Then he grabbed the green box and well I grabbed it back."

Leona nodded her head slowly, rubbing her chin as she thought to herself. "He's as oblivious as ever, don't worry. You're safe," Leona assured me as she stroked my arm. 

I parted my lips to speak before an elf popped into the office, interrupting us. "Healer Li, the Malfoy's are here - urgently!" The elf spoke with confidence, something quite rare. 

"Oh god! Okay thank you, Pepi," Leona sighed, running up to the back of her desk. "Why are they here-"

Before she could reply, Leona ran out of the room. I looked to Theo who rubbed his temples, "Astoria's sick. It's the third time they've brought her this week."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Let's go see what's up then." They both looked scared but I rolled my eyes, dragging them out. 

What was I going to do? I'm not cruel to a sick person...


We made it to the emergency room and there were a few people standing outside, one of them being Draco. He saw us and walked up, "Now's not the time for your fucking games."

I threw my hands up in surrender, "Dude, we were here when Leona was called in. I just came to see if you were alright." He rolled his eyes before a tall man came up behind him, bloody fucking hell he looked intimidating. 

"Draco...who is this?" The man asked with a hint of disgust in his voice as he looked me up and down. I assumed he knew Theo and Atlas as he squinted his eyes at them as he moved them onto me next. 

Blonde hair, rude tone, those eyes - fuck.

I knew it was Draco's father but what came out of my mouth next, I knew would regret. "Excuse me? Wipe that smug look off your face, grandpa. Who do you think you're talking to?" I snapped.

Theo grabbed my arm, turning me around. He had a fearful look in his eyes and I shrugged him off, turning my attention back to the angered blonde. 

"You dare speak to me, you filthy-"

"Filthy what? Mudblood? Halfblood? Reality check, I'm a pureblood. Why don't you take your prejudice opinions and shove it up your stiff as-" I had a hand cover my mouth and was dragged out by who I persumed was Atlas, Theo was too loose. 

He pushed me against a wall, "What the fuck are you doing? Do you know who that is?" I rolled my eyes, why do people think I'm scared of their opinions. 

"Yes, Lucius fuckface Malfoy. The guy who also decided to ruin my life by sending my boyfriend off to marry some prude," I huffed, my breathing elevating slightly 

Atlas rubbed his temples as he took in a deep breath, "You can't talk to him like that. Stay here until they leave." I scoffed, shoving him back, "Then let's get the hell out of here."

Without waiting to hear what he had to say, I shoved past and went back to where everyone was. Ignoring Malfoy senior's glare, I walk up to Theo, "Can we go?"

"Uh sure- Draco, let us know if anything happens?" Theo looked to Draco who nodded. I couldn't help but see most of them probably figured out who I am by now, good to know the Greengrass' are aware they fucked up my life. 

"Let Leona know I'll be at her house," I shouted without turning around as Theo and Atlas dragged me back to the floo station. 

"Alora, she's really sick. It's not time for your-" I interrupted Theo by placing a finger on his mouth to shut him up, "I know. Can we just go?"

With a nod, I stepped into the floo and headed home. 


Just wanted to say, I hope you all are staying safe out there. The virus is getting out of hand and I'm not sure where you all live but I hope you're all staying safe. I want this gone more than you guys think, I haven't seen my boyfriend since Halloween :/

God, I sound like a child..

Anyways, I'm still seeing what book to do next but most of you are saying you want 'Draco x Reader'. 

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