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TW: Bulimia - Eating Disorder

TW: Bulimia - Eating Disorder

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Leona's P.O.V.

"It's nearly dinner, Theo. Come on," I groaned, yanking the boy towards my dorm. "Do you think she's okay?" He asked, worry plastered all over her face. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "We're about to find out." I knocked on the door but opened it, it was locked. Theo unlocked it using his wand and we walked in, instantly gagging at the smell in the room. 

Both of our eyes widened once we saw Alora in the room in her skirt and bra with a joint in her hand. Theo looked away out of respect but I turned him around, he was not leaving me to deal with her alone. There was vomit all over her chest and hair, plates of empty pies on the floor. 

"What happened in here?" I asked, looking around the room. There was rock music playing in the background, Alora's make-up smudged on her face and her eyes were bloodshot. 

"Having a little fun," she mumbled before putting the joint in her mouth, taking a big puff. Theo looks at me in shock.

I roll my eyes before yanking Theo, "Knock her out." He looks at me as if I'm crazy but does as I say, "Stupefy."

I quickly ran over to her, grabbing the joint in her mouth and putting it out. "I'm going to clean her up in the bathroom, clean the room and spray my perfume to get rid of the smell," I told Theo who nodded. 

I levitated Alora and placed her in the bathtub, splashing the water all over her without taking her clothes off. "Do you need help?" Theo asked from outside. "Yes!"

He walked in, his hand over his eyes but I removed them, "She's not naked, you oaf." He rolled his eyes before I handed him the showerhead. I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed it all over her, cleaning her hair. 

Once we finished getting the smell of weed and vomit out of her, I wrapped a towel around her before levitating her to the room. "Okay, we'll just dry her off and I'll put a top on her with some joggers then we'll wake her," I explained.

Theo carried on cleaning up a bit as I put some clothes on her. "What do you think happened? I mean, her boggart couldn't have done this to her. Right?" Theo asked as I tucked Alora in her bed. 

"I don't know, Theo," I sighed. Theo pointed his wand at her, "Rennervate."

Aurora's P.O.V.

I slowly woke up, my head aching. Leona and Theo stood before me, stupid grins plastered on their faces. "What happened?" I groaned as I sat up slowly. 

"What do you remember last?" Leona asked as she sat on my bed. "I threw up and was smoking to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth," I replied. 

"You were a little em not yourself so we cleaned you up and we're taking you to eat something while you tell us what the fuck you were doing," Leona snapped. 

I rose my brows at the girl as she threw me my robe. "Let's go?" Theo helped me up and I put on my slippers before walking out with the two to the Great Hall. 


When we arrived, I had a lot of people from my year group staring at me. I didn't care though, my boggart was something I didn't want to talk about.

Leona and Theo sat opposite me as we sat for dinner. They poured themselves pasta onto the plates and began munching. "What were you doing to yourself?" Leona started as she waved her fork in my face. 

"I told you. I threw up and smoked a joint to get the taste out of my mouth." She eyed me before scoffing, "As if. If it was because of your boggart-"

I interrupted her, raising my voice slightly, "It was not because of my boggart. I just had too much to eat, that's all." She threw her arms up in surrender as she continued to eat. 

I felt an arm slither around my shoulders and saw Atlas and Blaise sit on either side of me. "Oh great, they're here," Theo sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes. 

"Now, now brother. Show some love," Atlas pouted as he threw a breadstick at Theo. 

"What do you two want?" I asked as I looked between the two boys. "We're just making sure you're okay. Is that a wrong thing to do?" Blaise said as he reached over me and grabbed a cheese stick. 

"Yes, when it's coming from you two," I smiled before removing both of their arms off of me. "Are you not going to eat?" Theo asked, his mouth full of pasta. 

I shook my head, "I'm not that hungry. I'll eat something later." He shrugged his shoulders but I could feel Leona's eyes on me as she carefully removed the fork out of her mouth. 

"So, I was thinking we could all gather around my dorm on Friday," Atlas said. The tree of us turned our heads and stared at him, "What do you mean 'all of us'?" I asked.

He chuckled slightly before moving my chin with his thumb, "Like last time. We can get fucked up and forget about our worries for a night." I burst into laughter as I looked at the boy, "Does someone miss our company?"

"No, you're just not that bad to hang out with. You can bring the prude too," he huffed as he pointed at Theo. 

"We'll see," Leona snapped. I gave her a weird look and she shrugged her shoulders, carrying on with her food. 

"Ah- well there's Draco, I'll see you lots later," Blaise smiled as he dragged Atlas away from our table. 

I shook my head as I chuckled lightly. "You need to tell that brother of yours to back off," Leona sighed. "It's not like he listens to me. The dick thinks he's older when I was born first," Theo huffed. 

I chuckled at their bickering before we began talking about the coming year. 


If no one has realised by now Alora suffers from Bulimia and has ever since something tragic happened to her when she was younger - you'll find that out soon :)

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