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Narrator's P

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Narrator's P.O.V.

The five friends, Harry and Ron along with the Aurors included, walked down the road, Leona clutching onto the map with her life knowing this is the only source of where their best friend is hidden. 

"Are we sure that thing is right?" One of the Aurors asked as he walked closer towards Leona who shot him a glare. 

Before she could respond, Draco spoke up. "I hope you realise if we weren't legally obligated to call your useless asses we would've gone on our own. Shut the fuck up and let her find my girl- my friend," he spat.

The Auror rolled his eyes before leaving the girl alone. "Okay eh- walk down the street then one more right and we should be there," Leona shouted. 

"Draco, haven't we been here before?" Theo asked, glancing between his brother and Draco. 

Draco rose his brows, "No shit. We've been everywhere." Theo didn't say anything but he had a gut feeling that they have indeed been down this road before. 

After walking down the street and making one final right, Leona stopped. "It's that one," she said, pointing to an oddly familiar house. 

"That can't be right," Draco chuckled, "Theo, Atlas and I have already been here and the couple that lives there knew nothing."

Leona looked at the blonde and rose her brows, "My magic led us here." She turned around and faced the Aurors who seemed to be taking a breather against the wall, "If you idiots are done being lazy fucks I'd really appreciate if you raid that house and get me my heavily pregnant best friend back."

The Aurors immediately rose and nodded their heads. Harry and Ron walked in front, "You guys will need to wait here." 

"To hell, I'm coming," Draco scoffed, shoving past. 

"Malfoy, they already know what you and those two look like. If, hopefully, Alora is in there then you two can't be seen," Ron sighed. 

Draco sneered but went at leaned against a wall. "Well go on," he motioned to the house and the Aurors rolled their eyes before walking towards the house. 


Alora's P.O.V.

"I don't fucking know anything," I screamed. 

After being stuck here for eight fucking months I've finally managed to gain my voice back. I don't know what they're after or why my family's vault is involved but I don't care. I just want to go home.

My stomach is as big as a fucking air balloon and I'm more surprised than relieved to know my baby is still alive. The amount of torture and curses I get thrown at me, this baby should've died. But the fact that it's alive, it's given me hope. 

"Eleanor! ELEANOR!" He screamed.

I've come to learn that the kind soul that helps me is indeed his wife but a part of me fears that she's forced into all of this. What kind of wife helps their husband's prisoner.

"Yes, darling?" She smiled, walking inside the cellar. 

"Plan my bag. We're going on a trip," he said, not keeping his eyes off of me. 

I scoffed, "If you think I'm coming anywhere with you then you're-"

Just as I tried to stand up for myself, a jet of red light came from his wand and I couldn't help but scream. "Shut up!" He sneered, turning his attention back to his wife. 

I tried to listen in on their conversation but my coughs interrupted them. I felt his disgusting hands on my hair, yanking me up, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Choosing to ignore him was a huge mistake. He used his right hand to slap my right side making me wince in pain as a few tears strolled down my face. 

"I asked you a fucking question," he yelled, his hold on my hair getting tighter. 

I choked up some blood as I could barely speak. He scoffed before letting go of me and I collided on the floor. 

"Edward, please stop. She's not in any state fo-" I couldn't hear anything else as my head began pounding, my eyes watering. I could barely hear my own whimpers as I clutched onto my head.


A high-pitched scream ejected from my lips as I clutched my stomach, he did something. 


Draco's P.O.V.

I fiddled with my fingers as the Aurors walked towards the house door. If I was an Auror she would've been found by now, all of them useless. 

A high-pitched scream snapped me out of my thoughts, my feet instantly on the ground as I ran to my friends. 

"That had to be her," I said, my voice cracking. 

Our heads turned to the Aurors who instantly ran at the door. "Fuck this!" I yelled and followed them, I knew everyone behind me was following too. 

"Open the fucking door!" I snapped at one of them who was standing there like a useless cow. 

He looked back and glared, banging on the door. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" I snapped and took out my wand. 

"Malfoy, no!" Potter said sternly, eyeing me. 

I sneered at him before he took his own wand out and pointed it at the door, "Stand back!"

"Bombarda Maxima!"

The door blew up and we all ran inside. I suddenly couldn't hear anything, my heart beginning to pound hard. 

"Where the fuck are they?" I asked, looking around the house. 

"Atlas, Leona, upstairs," Theo said and dragged the two upstairs with him as they searched the rooms. 

The Aurors had their wands pointed in case of anything and I stood by Pansy. "Do you know where she could be?" I asked her and she shook her head. 

"They aren't upstairs," Atlas said as he ran down with Theo and Leona. 

"Guys, is there a cellar? Or dungeon?" Leona suddenly asked, looking at Harry and Ron who were listening in on our conversation. 

"Well there is no one here but I'll get my men to check," Harry immediately said before running off to the other Aurors. 

I ran a hand through my hair as I thought about where the fuck she could be. "We all heard her, right? I'm not hearing things?" I asked, needing clarification. 

"Yes but I-"

Just as Theo was answering Draco there was yet another high-pitched scream but this time it was louder.

The group looked around at each other knowing something bad was definitely happening to her. 


Ahh guys I want to apologise for not updating as much. 

Don't cry before you go to sleep LMAO. I have the worse headache right now but I didn't want to let you guys down :(

I'll write the next chapter as soon as I wake up tomorrow.

Have a lovely day, afternoon, evening - whatever it is for you guys :)

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