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St. Mungos 2.0;

Alora's P

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Alora's P.O.V.

I slowly awoke as there was a flashing light in my eyes. Memories resurface in my head and I slowly sit up, terrified of what Edward might do. 

"Sleeping beauty is awake." I sit up to see Leona standing with a light over me. 

"Am I dead?" I asked. 

She chuckles slightly as she sat on my bed in front of me. "No babe, you're not. You're safe, you're in st. Mungos," she said. 

I looked around to see that I was indeed in St. Mungos. "How did I get here?" 

"Well, you see. We - Draco, me, Pansy, Theo and Atlas - alongside the Aurors worked together to find you. Once we did, you gave birth and passed out. I brought you here," she explained. 

My eyes widened slightly as I look around but don't see a baby anywhere. Panic washes over me as I sit up but she pushes me back down, "Relax. She's with Draco."

"Draco? Why isn't she here?" I asked quietly, a little upset he took my daughter. 

"Because you wouldn't wake up. But don't worry, she's safe. They're both at my house," she reassured me. 

I took in a deep breath, nodding my head. "When-?"

"He'll be here in a few minutes. Let's get you checked," she smiled at me. 

"How long have I been out for?" I asked as Leona lifted my dress robe up. 

"You've been passed out for a week," she chuckled and my eyes widened. 

A whole fucking week. 

A few minutes go by as Leona examines me and makes sure I'm healthy. As she was scanning my body, the door opened and I could hear Pansy and Draco's voices. 

"Oh shit! Alora!" I heard Draco's panicky voice as his footsteps rushed over to me. 

Leona helped me sit up and the next thing I knew I was being squashed by a ferret-looking blonde. "Hello," I squeaked, pushing him off slightly. 

"How are you? Oh my god, you haven't even me-"

"Draco, I'm okay. Leona says I'm good," I smile, gesturing to Leona who's busy going over my charts. 

He exhales, relaxing a little. "Oh, you should meet someone," he smiles and motions for Pansy to come over. 

"She isn't named but eh here," Pansy says as she hands me a small baby. 

My hands shake slightly as I hold her in my arms and a few tears stroll down my face. "Why isn't s-she named?" I asked as I looked at Draco. 

"Waited for you. She's really quiet hasn't annoyed anyone yet," he smiled back. 

Pansy scoffed, sitting on my bed, "Theo and Atlas have been staying with us for a while. I don't even think Draco's had more time with his daughter than those to have."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I looked at the sleeping child in my arms. "Here," I said and handed her back to Pansy. 

The two looked at me weirdly as Pansy took her from my arms. "Leona, where is my bag?" I asked, knowing she's definitely brought it for me. 

"Here. I didn't touch anything," she said, handing me my bag full of clothes and things. 

"I-I need a minute alone please," I whispered and the three of them nodded their heads. 

Draco grabbed hold of my hand as he brushed his thumb over it, "Want her to stay?" I shook my head and he sighed but left along with the other two. 

I broke down slightly as I clutched my bag but quickly wiped the tears away. I swore to never use magic anymore and I stand by that but I need to get out of here and fast. 

Rummaging through my things, I finally find my purse. There was nothing in it except a broken key that I had made at the wizarding market in America. If I twist it, it should transport me back home and that's exactly where I plan on going. 

I hop off the bed and wobble but manage to gain my balance back. I change into a pair of sweats and a hoodie and take out a piece of parchment. 

I'm going home. 

- Alora

I don't want them sending a search party for me so that should do. I look around the hospital room one last time and take out the portkey.

One twist and I found myself in my apartment back in New York. 


Leona's P.O.V.

"Did she seem off?" Pansy asked as she cooed at the baby in her arms. 

"Yeah, when she held her she seemed too off," Draco sighed, drinking his coffee. 

I rubbed my temples and checked the time. "It's been 10 minutes, let me go check on her," I said and they nodded their heads as they watched me walk back into Alora's room. 

I opened the door only to see that she's not in her bed anymore and her bags gone. Running back outside, I see Draco and Pansy in mid-conversation. They finally look up when they see my distressed face. 

"She's gone!" I exclaimed. 

The two-run back into her room with me and notice she really is gone. "Hang on, she left a note," Draco said as he handed me it. 

"Is she at my house?" I asked the two. 

"Don't think so. Do you think she's back in New York?" Pansy asked, placing the baby somewhere as she came to us. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "Probably. But she doesn't have her wand."

I stared at the paper as I examined it. Her bag was missing so I know she went on her own but without a portkey it isn't possible to travel all the way to America. 

"Let's ask Atlas," Draco sighed and the two of us agreed. 


Hehe okay, so you guys keep saying how you want a sequel and stuff and how many actually want one? Comment down below. 

Comment here. 

I am writing a new fanfiction but I can write the sequel at the same time but the sequel won't be as long as this one, I hope. Just let me know ^^ if you guys want one. 

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