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Theo walked to Advanced Potions with me, Leona said potions was never her strongest pursuit so she didn't bother taking it for her last two years

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Theo walked to Advanced Potions with me, Leona said potions was never her strongest pursuit so she didn't bother taking it for her last two years. As for me, potions has always been the one thing I held an interest in. My studies meant the world to me and potions was that one subject I excelled in. 

We walked into the class and there was the majority of the people already sat there. "Let's tell Snape," Theo said as he pulled me towards the professor behind the desk. I assumed his name was Snape...

"Professor Snape, this is our new girl in Slytherin - Alora Cole. She's in potions," Theo explained to the professor who didn't bother looking up at us. 

He placed his quill down and looked up at us with annoyance. He slightly softened his eyes once he saw me but quickly hardened them again, "She can sit with the other Nott and Malfoy."

Theo dragged me towards a table that was only placed with two other people, Atlas and Draco. "This is where I leave you," Theo sighed as I sat down on the empty stool, opposite from Malfoy. 

He leaned into my ear, "Don't talk to them. For your own sake." I rolled my eyes playfully before waving him away, I might as well have a little fun. 

I didn't pay attention to the boys in front of me, yet. Instead, I grabbed my potions book from my purse and opened it to what we were doing today. We didn't have a practical which I was so thankful for, my hair could not survive one today. 

The class shortly began and Snape began talking and talking. His voice was dulling me to sleep but I had to stay focused if I was going to get outstandings on my NEWTs.

Half-way through the class, Snape instructed us to begin our essays with minimal talking. I was probably the only person who was writing my essay but I didn't care, better to do it now than later. 

Halfway through my sentence, there was a piece of crumpled paper thrown onto my desk. I looked up to see Atlas who was smirking at me, "What's your name, beautiful?"

"None of your concern," I told him. He didn't say anything except chuckle lowly. 

I carried on writing but frustratingly put my quill on my desk as he opened his mouth again, "How would you like to visit my dorm af-"

"Look, Atlas was it? I'm not one of these prissy little girls who will fall on their knees for a guy like you," I interrupted him, scowling down at him. 

I was considered a whore back at Beauxbatons but not one that would do what a guy wants you to do. You either follow my rules or you simply miss out.  

His eyes slightly widened at my words but quickly went back to default. I noticed the blonde next to him jerked his head up at me, looking over me as I spoke with such confidence. 

"If you really want to get in between these legs come to my dorm at 7 PM sharp, bring the Zucchini and daddy's rich boy over there," I smiled innocently, pointing at the blonde who stared at me with no emotion.

Just as he was about to speak, I picked up my belongings along with my finished essay and walked over to Snape. He examined my essay before letting me know I can leave.

I smirked to myself as I walked past my table, "See you at 7, boys." 


The rest of the day went by smoothly, most of my teachers were lovely and I met a few nice people I got the opportunity to sit with. I still hadn't seen my cousin, I'm going to have to ask Leona or Theo if they know him. 

Walking into the common room, I see Leona sitting on the couch - making out with a girl. I sneak up behind her and whisper in her ear, "Boo," which causes her to jump off of the girl's lap. 

I couldn't help myself as I burst into a fit of laughter, "I am so sorry, oh my- Your face is priceless." Even the girl next to her snickered slightly.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance as she tried to catch her breath. "I'll come find you later, Pansy," Leona said as she turned to her companion. The black-haired girl winked at her before leaving us alone. 

"You know, I really am not starting to like you," she shakes her head, placing a hand on her heart. 

I chuckle lowly before jumping onto her lap, leaning on the arm of the couch, "No. You're starting to love me." She slaps my arm playfully before popping a mint into her mouth. 

"I assume you want something for your rude intruding on my make-out session," she huffed, staring at me with an annoyed expression. 

I nod my head with a joyful smile plastered on my face, "Yes, yes indeed. How many times have you wanted to get revenge on Blaise?" She rose her brow at me before drifting off into thought. 

"I guess a few times but he hasn't done anything bad. Just gave me horrible sex, I mean for someone who's known for giving good sex, baby it was awful," she groaned, shivering at the memory of her and Blaise.

I giggled slightly, taking out a lollipop from my bag and unwrapping it. "Great, they're coming to our dorm at 7. Be prepared."

She blinked a couple of times, her mouth wide opened, "Alora, darling. What?"

"Just trust me, this will be really good. I'll invite Theo too," I hummed as I put the lollipop in my mouth, ignoring the scowl plastered on Leona's face right now. 

"No, Alora. You cannot just be friends with these boys, they're bad news. You haven't been here a full week and I've known those boys for seven years," she rambled on. 

I rolled my eyes as I placed a comforting hand on her arm, "If it goes bad, I take full responsibility. I'll never speak to them again even, I promise."

She looked at me warily before throwing her head back in defeat, "I hate you."

I blew her a kiss before sucking on my lollipop. "Oh, Leona. Do you know anyone named Adam?"

She rose her brows at me, thinking for a second before she nodded her head, "Yes, Adam Cole. He's my Transfiguration's partner. Why?"

"He's my cousin. I haven't seen him yet, what house is he in?" Alora thought to herself before clicking her fingers, "Gryffindor!"

Mental Note: Go to Gryffindor tower, tomorrow.


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