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Hangovers Are a Bitch;

I woke up to a crazy headache engulfing my head, the smell of liquor lingering in the room was not a far off guess as to why

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I woke up to a crazy headache engulfing my head, the smell of liquor lingering in the room was not a far off guess as to why. I blinked a couple of times, seeing my surrounding. There were passed out people on the floor, familiar people, and I soon came to realise a heavy weighted Theodore on top of me. 

"Get off me, you oaf," I groaned as I pushed him onto the floor. He woke up suddenly, fear written on his face as he to was confused. 

I was on a couch, laying under Theodore who was crushing me. Leona and Pansy were nowhere to be seen, Atlas was on the kitchen counter asleep, Blaise and his girlfriend were on the other couch and Draco and Astoria were wrapped in a blanket on the floor. Great!

"Where the hell are we?" I mumbled, sitting up as I rubbed my head. 

"Leona's apartment, how we got here I have no clue," Theo raised his hands in surrender as he walked towards the kitchen.

He let out a girly shriek and I ran over to see Pansy on the floor and Leona sitting on the floor, both asleep and both a mess. "They aren't dead, you know," I stated to which Theo rolled his eyes. 

"Wake them up," he snapped and I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at him like he's mad. 

"No, if I wake them up then everyone else will wake up. Including Draco and his Godzilla of a wife," I whisper-shouted, glaring at the boy who was beginning to annoy me. 

He rolled his eyes and opened the fridge, taking two bottles of water out and throwing one at me. "Didn't you have a girlfriend? The Ravenclaw chic, where is she?" I asked and he choked on his water, shoving past me to presumedly go find her. 

"Seriously, Alora. How did you get yourself into this mess?" I asked myself as I stared at the two passed out girls on the kitchen floor. 

"I ask myself that same question!" I was startled by an awfully familiar voice. I turned around to see Draco leaning on the kitchen counter in front of me, he looks worse than Theo. 

I rolled my eyes, sipping my water, "Is there a reason you're here and not with your pimpy wife?" He ran a hand through his hair before he snatched the water out of my hand and took a sip. 

"Yes, I'm thirsty," he spoke with that raspy voice. I snatched my water back, "Get your own."

He scoffed as he leaned his head on his hand. "You weren't this uptight last night, what happened?" He asked, yawning. 

"I saw your face and decided I wanted to hurl," I fake-smiled before drinking more water. 

"Besides, shouldn't you be at some fertility clinic with your wife or something? I'm sure in order to try for reproduction you'll need some sort of help," I snorted. 

His face twisted as he shook his head but I didn't care. I shouldn't be saying awful things about another woman but it feels good to know karma actually caught up with these people. 

"Am I interrupting something?" A yawning Atlas asked as he sat next to Draco, opposite me. 

"No," I glared at the blonde-ferret who was aiming to have a staring competition with me. 

He broke his stare from me and turned to face Atlas, "Your girlfriend and I were just talking." Atlas, despite having the hangover of a 16-year-old, burst into laughter. 

"He's not my boyfriend, stop assuming shit you know nothing about, Malfoy," I snapped as I held onto the counter for balance. 

Atlas whistles slightly at the scene before him before grabbing hold of my arm, "It's fine. Let's go find Leo- Nevermind." 

I rolled my eyes before walking out of the kitchen and heading to find Theo, he on one hand I tolerate. I thought seeing Malfoy would still leave me upset and broken but now I'm just filled with anger, horrible anger and I want nothing but to get the fuck away from him. 


"So, we made up?" Leona grumbled as she finally awoke, leaving her girlfriend on the floor as she walked up to me. 

"Yeah, I guess we did. Did your beloved Malfoy's leave?" I rolled my eyes as I picked at my nails.

Theo walked in and fell onto the couch next to Atlas, "Finally left with Blaise and Clarice." I snorted a 'hallelujah' as I did not intend to stick around if they were here.

"God, I seriously don't know why he brought Astoria. That bitch had the nerve," Leona stated, throwing her legs on top of me as she laid on the couch. 

Atlas shook his head, "She was fine back in Hogwarts. When did she become so uptight and clingy?" 

"Since Alora showed up at the bar," Theo blurted, placing an icepack on his head. 

I snorted at their comment. I knew she looked intimidated by me when she glared at me back at the club but I didn't think she'd think I'd still want her husband, I don't do sloppy seconds. 

"Whatever. I'm just happy they're both gone," I sighed, not in the mood to deal with their trantrums.

"Us more, trust me. I mean, the way she brought up your dad as a conversation starter. You did good by smacking the infertility in her face," Leona huffed, grabbing the water on the table. 

When my father was found it was plastered all over the news, worldwide. He's remained in an American Wizards treatment center because he hasn't spoken since we've found him, I've visited him whenever I can but nothing helps. 

"It's fine, dad's getting better I hope," I frowned, clutching Leona's pillow 

 "That's good to hear," Theo smiled at me to which I returned. 

"You know, I think what shocked us all was when you walked in with Atlas," Leona interjected, moving her fingers between the two of us. 

I let out a groan as I gave Atlas a look, begging him to explain to them that we're just friends and nothing more. 

"Merlin, woman. We're just friends, I have a girlfriend actually. But no we're just friends, she needed someone after all the shit went down between everyone," Atlas explained, sending me a small smile. 

Leona frowned slightly, "Right. I should've been there for you, I still am sorry-"

I interrupted Leona by stretching over to her, hugging her waist, "You already apologised, you cow. I don't want to hear another fucking apology or I really will scream."

She chuckled and gave me a slight hug. Our cuter moment was interrupted by Pansy walking into the living room, "What the fuck happened?"

We all laughed at her state which left her confused, staring at everyone in the room and counting the number of people she could've sworn was here in the first place. 


Ahhh, thank you guys so much for 10K what the hell, love you all <3

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if I was to make a new fanfiction after this what would you guys like to read?

Comment on which one:


Draco x OC

Draco x Reader

A Marriage Law type of thing

Next Generation - (Everyone's kids but they would be involved as main characters too)

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