Alaska Part I

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Author Note:

This chapter takes place in season 5 episode 21 "Exit Wounds" whenever the team travels to Alaska. Your character is another agent on the BAU team alongside Spencer Reid. This first chapter doesn't contain any smut, but there will be some smut later on in the story (I believe the first chapter with smut is chapter 3). Also, the entire story is not confined to this one episode, that is just where I decided this story would begin. Even if you're unfamiliar with the episode, however, you shouldn't have any issues with this fanfic:). Anyways, thank you so much for clicking on my little story, it really does mean a lot to me! I hope you enjoy my work, and feedback is always appreciated! I try to update as regularly as possible!


You all board the jet, Hotch being the last to enter the cabin. You take a seat in the booth next to a window. The team shuffles in taking their places, Spencer sitting down next to you. You begin to make yourself comfortable, sleeping on the jet wasn't ideal but you had to take what you could get.

You and the team were heading to Alaska to investigate the murders of one male and two females, all left in high traffic areas. The man left out in the open and two women covered in trash. You knew this case was going to be interesting, so you began to get ready to fall asleep in an attempt to be useful once you all arrived.


You awoke to daylight beginning to peek in through the window. You begin to shift when you realize that Spencer was leaning on you, dead asleep. You look up to see Morgan across the plane, laughing at the situation. Soon after Reid begins rubbing his eyes and realizes the position he is in.

"Oh...sorry", he said looking a little embarrassed, "I didn't me too-." "It's okay Spencer", you giggle at how flustered he became. Everyone began to wake up from sleep and began to discuss the aspects of the case.

"I find the evolution of this killer unsettling", said Morgan, looking at the case files. "He went for easy prey at first, an elderly man, a middle-aged woman...not to mention he shot both of them. But the most recent victim was young and stabbed with an arrow, up close and personal." "We all know that that means", Rossi said looking around the jet at the tram. JJ took a deep breath, as did most of the other team members.

Hotch assigned roles for everyone to fulfill once you all arrived, and not long after the jet landed in Alaska. You, Reid, and Rossi went to visit the corner about the autopsies while others went to the station and to investigate the crime scene. After a day of discussing the kill, suspects, motives, and methods, the team met back at the small, and the only inn, in the town.

Once everyone was inside and settled into a common room Hotch instructed the sheriff to put in a curfew so no one would be out after sundown. Garcia said she'd be pulling an all-nighter, trying to get the scoop on everyone in the town and running background checks. Soon after, the hotel owner entered the room. "We have five of our upstairs rooms available," she said quietly while she handed a cup of coffee to the sheriff. "Ummm five..?" said Reid, furrowing his eyebrows. The Sherriff turned to face him "Hell that's all we have, your team is double my department," he exclaimed before saying his goodbyes and leaving for the station. "Well team, looks like we're going to have to double up", said Hotch looking at everyone.

"I'm not sleeping with Reid'', Morgan pipes up. Garcia smiles wildey and turns around, "Dibs' ', she says, happily taking Morgan's arm. JJ immediately grabs onto Prentiss, "I call Emily'', she says with a laugh. Leaving you, Hotch, Rossi, and Spencer. Rossi and Hotch will already be getting their rooms because they are senior members of the team and supervisors. Which only left two and Spencer. Spencer glances over at you as Hotch begins to speak. "Reid, that leaves you and Agent (Y/N), will you two be comfortable sharing a room?", he asks quizzingly. Spencer looks over to Hotch, "I'm comfortable with it as long as (Y/N) is, and frankly I don't think we have another option," he states. All eyes turn to you, you open your mouth, "I'm cool with it", you say, a smile creeping over your lips. You imagined that night seeing the goofy genius in his pajamas with messy hair. You always found him cute, but sleepy Reid in the same room with you at night made you short of air.

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