The Date (Chapter 5)

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Hey guys!! I understand the part in the last chapter about relationships being up to the discretion of the unit supervisor isn't actually how things work, but this is a work of fiction so I figured for this story it could work out okay. Also, remember I am open to plot suggestions and I love reader engagement! I hope you like this part where you and Spencer are now on you're first official date! This chapter does not contain smut, but the next chapter will contain lots, so I hope you all are ready.


It didn't take long for either of you to finish your remaining paperwork, the excitement the two of you were feeling made both of you in an unknowing hurry. You glanced up at him just as you were finishing your work, a smirk protruding from his soft lips. You couldn't wait to feel them against yours again.

There were still quite a few people in the bullpen, the time was only 5 pm, however, you and Spencer were both ready to be on your way. You begin to gather your things, glancing over to you once more he began to follow suit. The two of you made your way toward the elevator and entered through the doors. There the both of you were...all the elevator. You felt you're heart racing.

"So where did you want to get takeout from...did you have anything in mind?" you asked looking up at him. He looked down at you and smiled, "Does Chinese sound too stereotypical?" he said sheepishly. "Of course not Spence, it sounds pretty good if you ask me," you said, a smile finding its way across your lips.

"Did you drive here today (Y/N) or did you take the metro?" he said curiously. You remembered you didn't drive there today and you actually hadn't thought of how you two were actually going to get back to his apartment. " I took the metro today, but did you drive Spence?" "I did actually, so we can take my car," he said, bringing you some relief, you didn't want to take public transport with Spencer, you would rather just be alone with him.

You both walked out of the elevator and you followed him to his car and got into the passenger side. As soon as both doors to his car were shut, he turned to you and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You were still speechless when he pulled away and got out his phone to call in the order to a local Chinese restaurant. You hadn't expected him to kiss you already this early into the date. Nonetheless, it did make you happy.

Once the order was completed, Spencer began to drive, presumably to pick up the food. "So Spencer, did you have a movie in mind too? Or did you want me to pick one out for us?" He turned to you, "Well I have this movie I've been dying to watch, it's called "Bicycle Thieves," he paused for a moment, hesitating, "But I only could find it in the original Italian..." You raised your eyebrows before he continued to carry on. "However, I can whisper in your ear and translate everything they're saying. I know that seems like it would be inconvenient and we don't have to-." "Yes," you said abruptly, cutting him off. He seemed surprised that you were so willing, but the thought of Spencer translating for you didn't seem annoying, it seemed cute and romantic.

"Really?" he seemed happily surprised. "Of course," you said, "I trust your taste, and I think I could enjoy it too if you just helped me understand what is going on." He smiled widely. The rest of the ride wasn't very eventful. You both got the food and made his way to his apartment, Spencer grabbing and holding your hand along the way.

Once you both made your way into his apartment you glanced around, seeing exactly what you were expecting. Books everywhere, neat but slightly messy, a chessboard in the corner seeming to be in the middle of a match. Still being in your work clothes, you brought a spare pair of comfortable clothing from your go-bag up with you to change into. Before you could ask, he helped you find his bathroom.

You changed into your cutest set of lounge clothes you had, being a pair of comfortable grey shorts and a long sleeve top that was slightly cropped. You let out a sigh of relief before you left the bathroom, not only because you were out of your work clothes, but also because you saw that Spencer didn't use three-in-one shampoo, a notorious red flag.

When you emerged, you realized that he had also changed into something more comfortable. A pair of sweatpants and a plain navy t-shirt, you had never seen him so casual so often before. You made yourself comfortable on his couch as he handed you a to-go carton a lo mein and a fork. He snacked on his food as he began to prepare the movie. It was then you realized that it was surprising to see that Spencer even had a television at all, but then you recalled him mentioning the foreign films he liked to watch sometimes while at work. Also, the tv didn't seem to be very new.

Once the movie was on the start page, you were almost done eating. You made you're way to the kitchen for a glass of water and Spencer continued to eat, you realized that he couldn't translate while eating and it made you let out a small chuckle as he hastily ate his takeout. "Where are the cups?" you said turning your head to look at him. "Top cabinet on the right, and would you mind also getting out one for me?" he said, beginning to also make his way to the kitchen to put the food away.

You both finally got settled on his couch. He pressed play on the remote as you snuggle next to him. He put his arms around you pulling you close. As the movie began, he started to whisper the lines from the actors into your ear in translated English. It made you blush slightly, the feeling of being so close to him gave you butterflies, and you experienced a newfound love for Spencer as he kindly translated every word for you. You thought this experience may be romantic, and were right.

You were expected the movie the be mediocre but still decently enjoyable, but you really were more excited for Spencer to be giving you a whole slight lesson in Italian. However, the movie was actually very entertaining to your surprise. Once it ended, Spencer paused it to end the music from the end credits, and you were still completely wrapped in his arms, leaning against him. You turned to him, and without a word, you kissed his lips.

He put his hands on either side of your face and pulled you into him, your hands finding his messy hair. The kiss became more intense, more hungry. You climbed on top of him, straddling him now. His arms wrapped around you as the kiss began more intense. He kissed your neck as you let out a soft moan. "Sp...Spence do you want to-." Before you could finish your sentence, he picked you up to where both your legs were around his body, and he grabbed your butt to keep you balanced. You deeply kissed him more as he carried you into his bedroom.


I hope this chapter didn't seem too boring or anything, but I was trying to make sure that there were enough details so that it would make sense! The next chapter is going to be very steamy, so be prepared. Also, remember to leave comments and stuff! I'm so happy to see that so many people have read my story, and I really hope you are all enjoying it!

See you guys in the next Chapter!


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