Sugar and Pancakes (Chapter 9)

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter 8 of this story, it was so fun for me to write! This chapter won't contain any smut, but it is really sweet (haha...get it?)


You woke up with the morning light shining through the windows. You immediately wondered about a case, but you realized after only seconds that the team had the day off due to the recent immense workload. You moved your head up slightly to get a look at Spencer. He was still sleeping soundly, looking as peaceful as ever. You smiled. His hair was a mess and his lanky arms were wrapped around you, in that moment you just felt so in love with him.

You looked over at the clock behind him reading 8 am. You usually can't sleep this late. You often begin to naturally wake up at around 6:30 or 7:00, granted if there isn't an outside factor to increase your exhaustion. But from the work to Spencer's comforting embrace, it was no wonder you slept in. 

You laid there for a moment enjoying the comfort that he supplied you. You were so close to him and you felt so safe with your head nuzzled in his chest. You considered going to make coffee, it sounded so good at that moment. And while you were up you could make some breakfast for the two of you. You smiled again at the thought of a sleepy Spencer walking into the kitchen to see you burning eggs or pancakes or something. Just as you were about to get up, you heard him let out a loud breath as he began to wake. 

You looked up at his face, "Morning sunshine," you said with a smile. He didn't say anything, he just tilted your chin up with his finger and kissed you softly. Once he released you, he put his chin on top of your head and held you close. You stayed there for a few minutes just enjoying the presence of each other. You moved up to where you were laying on your side, facing him. You put a hand on his cheek before speaking, "I'm going to make some coffee," you said, then you slide out of his bed. He kept his eyes on you the entire time as you left the room. While you were walking, you knew you would need some Advil to help with the soreness between your legs. 

You walked into his kitchen and began to make some coffee. You had become more familiar with the placement of things around his kitchen after your first date with Spencer. Once you put on the coffee, you walked over to a counter and picked up a random book that was sitting toward the edge. It was "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury, you grinned. You had always loved this book from the moment you read it in high school. It was a pretty good book after all, and it made you happy to know that Spencer has read it too. You then opened up a cabinet and got out some pills. You put some water in a coffee mug and took them graciously, you were grateful he had something to help with the sore feeling. 

You were checking on the coffee that was brewing in the pot when Spencer sleepily walked into the kitchen and put his arms around you from behind. You leaned back into him and looked up at him. "Goodmorning (Y/N)", he said with a smile. He moved over to a cabinet and pulled out a box of pancake mix. You raised your eyebrows as you poured yourself some coffee into your mug. He started to get out some other ingredients as you made him a cup of coffee, leaving room for any sugar or cream he might want. You had heard from Mogan that Spencer loves his sugar, and you were eager to see how he would take his coffee. 

You placed the cup next to Spencer who was whisking away at the batter. "Thank you," he said, and then he proceeded to dump an ungodly amount of sugar into the mug. "Do you have enough sugar there Spence?" you said laughing. He chuckled before piping up, "You know you and Morgan can just shut up," he said blushing slightly. He looked over at you and your mug, "Don't you want any sugar," he said furrowing his brows. "No, I just take my coffee black," you said, getting an eyebrow raise out of him in response.  You giggled, "Besides, your all the sugar I need," you said while cheesily punching him in the arm. He laughed at you, and then you proceeded to try and help with the pancake cooking, but Spencer picked you up and sat you down on the counter. You were taken aback as he did it, and he surprised you with his strength. 

"Why'd you do that?" you said. He spoke as he began to pour the batter into a pan, "Because, I'm cooking for you," he said, then he looked up at you. You blushed, him cooking you something as simple as box mix pancakes just made you so happy. The kindness you were receiving from him gave you a warm feeling inside, and you bent down and kissed his cheek as he flipped the pancake. 

Both of you proceeded to have breakfast together, and not surprisingly his pancakes were pretty delicious. They were just what you needed after a wild night. While eating, the two of you discussed books and cases, and also just learned more about each other. Once you were done eating, you decided to play a round of chess. You realized how pointless it was trying to beat Spencer, considering he was basically a chess master, but you gave it your best. He had you checkmated in four moves. 

"No fair!" you exclaimed as he gave you a passionate smile. You locked eyes with him. You wanted to stay all day, but you really needed to head home. A good day of laundry, tv, and recuperation is exactly what you needed after all the cases...and amazing sex. 

You gathered your things and said your goodbyes, kissing him before turning to leave. Just as you were about to reach the door he called out. "Hey (Y/N)...was last night...okay for you? I just want to make sure..." he said, you loved how you could tell that he genuinely had your best interest in mind. Most guys would just take the sex and not ask, but with was different. 

"Of course, Spencer. It was amazing...I...I wasn't too bold at the bar last night was I...?" you said sheepishly. He walked over to you, "Of course not!" he then leaned in close to you, "THAT...that was fun baby," he said in a low voice before planting a kiss on your lips. Once he pulled away you gave him an evil smile before placing a hand on the side of his face, "Well I just wanted to make sure...daddy," you said, and then you turned and walked out. You could feel his mouth fall open at your words, and you were pleased to get a reaction. 

The rest of your day was easy. You relaxed at your apartment and did some minor chores, and you did manage to get some paperwork done regarding the latest case. Besides that, you washed your hair and watched some TV, enjoying your time off. Once you were ready for bed that evening, you checked your phone to see that Spencer had sent you a good night text. You blushed as you wished him a good night as well. It was a simple and small gesture, but it proved he was thinking of you...and that's all that mattered. You climbed into bed and for the first time, it felt strange to be in bed alone. 


I'm sorry if this chapter was slightly less thrilling than previous chapters, but fret not! We shall be going on an interesting undercover mission very soon!!! Stay excited and stay safe!!!

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