Missing Part 2 (Chapter 15)

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I took an extra day to post than I usually do, but here is my next chapter! Warning, mentions of abuse. Also, this gif makes me sad.


"No Daniel, there's nothing you can do! I'm leaving your sorry ass and I'm NEVER coming back because you are a sorry, good-for-nothing, piece of SHIT HUSBAND and you will NEVER make me happy!"

It was the last thing you ever heard your mother say before she was gone from your life forever. You hadn't seen her since you were 9 years old...she never even said goodbye. Your father, Daniel, was given full custody over you, no questions asked. They were never able to track down your mother, she didn't even officially file for divorce. You figured later on in life that she must have changed her identity or something to stay this hidden for so long. You had even tried to get Penelope to look her up before...nothing. 

And now her words rang out in your mind...her harsh, horrible words she screamed at your father before leaving with the man she was having an affair with. You never figured out if it was what she said, or the shame of his wife leaving him that did your father in so hard...you figured it must have been both. 

You loved him, you did. But there was only so much you could take before enough was enough. You felt so bad for him, you pitied him. What she did to him so terrible, but he still had to take care of you...his child. He didn't though. 

Instead, he drank and spent most of the money on his alcohol, not leaving you with much. You almost always had barely enough to scrounge up some food for dinner, but that was basically it. You never spent much on yourself...you couldn't. Even if you did have the extra cash, he would probably punish you for spending it. Not because it was wrong, but because he needed an excuse to smack the closest thing he had to her. He always found a reason to hurt you, whether it was justified or not. After she left, he resented everything about you...and you knew it was because you reminded him of your mother. 

You had finally had it when you were 13, you couldn't take it anymore, and what you did got him sent to prison for a long, long time...until now. 

Now you finally had to pay the price for what you did. You know that if you die now, it would have still been worth it. With all the "accidents" you were involved in as a child, you probably would've been dead by now if you hadn't gotten him sent away. But here you were, tied to this bed with knots impossible to undo. You couldn't go anywhere, you couldn't do anything. In a way...it felt like your life when you were a helpless child...and you hated that. But you just had to wait for the BAU...or the worse alternative...

You couldn't take the thought of dying. The team without you...Spencer without you. You loved him, and you know he feels the same. It would absolutely crush him if you went out here...if you went out now. You wanted to scream for him, but you knew you shouldn't. The last thing you wanted your father to know about was him...unless he already knew?

You didn't know...he must have watched you a while to find out your residence, but did he find out about Spencer? You didn't know, and you were NOT going to bring it up. The last thing you wanted was to either inform or remind him of Spencer. But this also made you wonder if he knew you were working for the FBI. Either way, you didn't want to tell him of your work if he didn't already know. You didn't want to tip him off that the cavalry would be coming for you at full speed. 

You could've sworn you heard another man's voice before you heard footsteps descending downstairs and heard them approach the room you were inside. Your father busted through the door, a creepy smile covering his face. He came in and sat down on the bed, you immediately flinched away from him. He reached out and put a hand on your cheek. "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this?"

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