Back to Quantico (Chapter 4)

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Hey Guys!! I hope you've been enjoying my story so far! If you have suggestions for the story feel free to message me, I am totally open to ideas! This chapter won't have any smut, it's more for the storyline.


You woke up in Spencer's arms, feeling euphoric. If you had trouble hiding you're feelings before, it was definitely going to be a challenge now. But at least you knew the feeling is mutual.

You wondered how this was going to work with Spencer. We're the two of you to get into a relationship? Would you continue to sleep with him? Would the both of you forget this whole thing ever happened? Surly with the way he's been behaving toward you, he must want there to be least, that's what you'd hoped.

The alarm beeped only moments after you'd woken up, Spencer letting out a breath at the noise. "Good morning", he said groggily, but with a hint of care in his voice. He ran his finger's through his hair and turned off the alarm before he looked over at you. "Good morning Spencer", you responded looking into his eyes. There was a moment of silence for a moment before he spoke again.

"So about what we did last night...did you...enjoy yourself?" He sounded slightly nervous.

You sat up in bed. "Of course I did Spencer, it was...amazing." You put your hand on his cheek and he leaned into you. "Do you...want to do it again sometime? Do you want there to be more than just this?" you said, your voice sounding quieter than you intended. You realized that these questions might be too much for both of you this early in the morning.

He sat up, "(Y/N) I...I have feelings for you-." You cut him off. "And I have feelings for you too...", you said, realizing that you had interrupted his sentence. "I'm sorry," you said shaking your head "Continue."

"(Y/N), I feel things for you, and I know you feel something too...I think we declared that last night." He paused briefly and looked back up at you. "I want there to be more between us but..."

"It's against regulations..." you finished his sentence smirking. "Dr. Reid have you ever actually read the regulations?" He glanced over at you and knitted his eyebrows together, "I-...Come to think of it no, I haven't. I can't believe it I never have actually read them. Wait, what do they specifically say?" He looked down at you in hopeful disbelief.

"Well Doctor, if I remember correctly it states, "Members of the same unit may not be permitted to be in relationships with other members of the same unit under the digression of the standing unit supervisor." if I recall correctly." He looked at you, dumbfounded. "Wait so that means that if Hotch is convinced it will work then we can be together, (Y/N) this could actually work!" You smiled up at him, "I want this to work Spencer, I know we can work together and care about each other at the same time, we've only been doing it since day one we just never realized it, we just have to convince Hotch..."

"(Y/N) I have an idea. Let's start seeing each other and make it official, but we can keep it between us. If we can successfully pull this off for two months, and we don't let it get in the way of anything, we can tell Hotch. When he realizes that we've been together all along and haven't let it distract us, he may be more willing to allow it to continue."

You thought for a moment. You and Spencer had seriously been in love for years now, but you had to admit, making an official relationship with him did make you nervous. However, you couldn't deny how you felt about him, you knew this relationship was right. If everything failed miserably you could always transfer to a different team in the BAU, or if the relationship didn't work, but ended on decent terms, you could stay in your current position and work things out. You knew that you and Reid are both very valuable assets to the team, and with his plan, things might actually be able to work for the both of you. Being in a relationship in your line of work was hard enough, but with you and Spencer working in the same field, you could actually see each other, while remaining professional of course.

"Spencer Reid, congratulations. You have officially won me and my heart over," you said giggling , Let's do this." He smiled at you before getting out of bed and he began to get ready for the day to come. The day everyone would return to Quantico from Alaska. You just hoped the two of you could remain a secret under the eyes of a team of profilers, but who better to fool profilers than profilers.


Everyone filed out of the quaint inn and began the journey back to Quantico. It was a long ride home of the jet, and when you arrived back in the D.C. area you couldn't wait to get home and shower in your owner shower and pass out in your own bed. Everyone moved back into the bullpen and began to work on paperwork. As good as your apartment sounded right now, you knew you had to continue your paperwork as well. You had managed to begin on the jet ride home, but you still had a lot of work to do.

You caught Spencer's eye from across the room. Subtly, you winked at him. He blushed. Shortly after, your phone buzzed on your desk. It was from SPencer.

"Takeout and a movie at my place later?

You smiled down at your phone. "Definitely, but I still have some work to do. Want to leave here in a couple of hours?"

"Sounds good to me." You could see him smiling widely at his phone.

It was going to be your first real date with Spencer, you couldn't wait. Suddenly, you cared less about going back to your apartment.


Ohhh so now it's official! The two are going to make things happen! I hope you all are enjoying my little story, I will try to post another part soon!

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