The Final Dance (Chapter 22)

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I'm back! So this is the last chapter of this story, but fret not, a new story is coming soon! In the last scene where there's is a song playing in the park, I like to imagine that as "The Merry-Go-Round of Life" from Howl's Moving Castle. If you wanted to listen to it to get more in the zone, I figured I would add it so you could. Anyway, enjoy my final chapter of this story!


You woke to see Spencer sleeping softly. Neither of you had moved from the positions you both had fallen asleep in. You laid there for a moment, just gazing up at him. His soft futures and messy brown hair added to his seemingly endless peace. You glanced at the clock. You had to go soon. Although it was a fun night, paperwork was still calling your name at the office, it was for Spencer too.

He let in a deep inhale as his eyes fluttered open. You grinned at his dorky, yet attractive yawn he released upon waking up. "What?" he asked with a groggy voice, rubbing his eyes. Instead of responding, you just reached up and pecked him on the lips. He cupped his strong hands around your face and pulled you on top of him, and you smiled against his lips. "Spencer...we have to go to work..." you said softly as you gazed into his hazel eyes. He signed, "I have to run home don't you?" he asked. You nodded your head. You didn't have any fresh clothes for the day, going home was your only option.

No one would be particularly early today, considering the events of last night. However, you and Spencer both had paperwork on backlog and needed to get to work. "Come on, let's get a shower," he said with a big smile. Before you could react, he was getting up and out of bed with you in his arms, a laugh escaping your mouth. He carried you into his bathroom and sat you down on the counter, and then he proceeded to turn on the shower. You started to help him get off his shirt with a small giggle, and not long after it was on the floor. He returned the favor, pulling his oversized tee off of your body. You shivered at the cold temperate in the room and were grateful that you would be greeted by the warm water soon.

Once both of you were undress, you got into the shower, pulling him in behind you. You had your hair tied up so it wouldn't get wet, but you knew Spencer would want to wash his. Without him having to ask, you lathered the shampoo up in your hands and began to massage it into his hair. You laughed as he looked down at you. "Focused much?" he said with a chuckled, your facial expression must have been giving you away. "Shut up and relax pretty boy."

You both finished with his shampoo and conditioner and stood there for a second as he held you in his arms. He reached down as kissed you, pressing you against the shower wall. It was fun at first, but then...slip. Between the water and the slick floor, you almost completely fell, but he caught you. You both laughed at the clumsiness for a second before he spoke up. "Are you okay?" he asked with such kind eyes.

"Yes, Spencer. Thank you for not letting me wipe out." He smiled as he turned around and cut off the shower and moved out for towels, wrapping you in your first before beginning to dry himself off. "Thanks," you said, blushing.

It didn't take long for him to get ready, even though he wasn't even in a big hurry. He put on that soft purple button-down that you love and paired it with some grey dress pants and a tie. His appearance was certainly better than yours, you only having the pajamas you had slipped back on after the shower covering you. You were shocked at how quickly his hair was beginning to dry as well. Guess it's a guy thing?

When he was done, he grabbed his messenger bag and look over at you. "Ready?" he asked. You nodded, and he guided you out to the car, opening the door for you and everything. The drive back to your apartment wasn't too long, and when you got there you made a mad dash to get everything ready and situated. You put in a simple and easy outfit for a day of desk duty and replenished the clothes in your bag. Your makeup was light and easy, and your hair was already partially fixed from the evening before. Overall, you didn't take long.

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