A Return to Normalcy (Chapter 19)

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Hey guys I'm back! Just some things! The case I mentioned in this chapter is based on season 6 episode 5 "Safe Haven" if you were wondering, but the plot of that case isn't exactly necessary for the point of this story. However, it does mention violence, so I figured I would mention it all to you here. There is also a little bit of smut so be warned. Also, I hope you guys are ready for the chapter I'm planning on releasing Wednesday, it WILL be wild;)))


Your five weeks went by slowly at first but seemed to roll by quicker as they went on. At first, things were hard. The nightmares, uneasy thoughts, the tinges of nervousness whenever you had to walk to your car, but things got better as you healed with time. You went to your therapy appointments and didn't try and take things too quickly. What you went through was an unbearable thought, but as time went on you began to feel more okay. Once your time of leave had elapsed, you were more than ready to get back to work. 

You were relieved when you found out Hotch had given you and Reid permission to continue with your relationship, and more so when you remembered that being transferred wasn't fear in the back of your mind anymore. You and Spencer had still decided that you both wanted to keep the rest on the team in the dark, with the exception of Morgan and Hotch of course. You both figured that leaving them to whatever suspicions they had would be best, and remaining as professional as possible included not mentioning your status to the rest of the team. 

Well...at least for now...

But the day was finally here, and you and Spencer entered through the doors of the BAU together for the first time in five weeks. Things felt normal again, and you were grateful that the little routine you had was beginning to return to your life. 

"Oh my goodness! You're back! Our sweet angel!" Garcia said, stumbling over her pink high heels to get to you. "Hey Garcia!" you responded as she pulled you into a big hug. The rest of the team had taken notice of your arrival and began to come and welcome you back. 

"It's nice to see you (Y/N)," Morgan said with a wink before glancing at Spencer, who was pretending not to notice his small gesture. You giggled at Morgan. It was nice to have someone who wasn't in the dark about the who thing, it was like having another friend in on an inside joke. 

However, your giggles were cut short by Hotch announcing that there was another case for the team, and with that everyone began to make their way to the conference room. 


The case was definitely one for the books. The unsub that was apprehended was only thirteen, he was the youngest unsub you had ever encountered. 

His mother abandoned him after he showed violent tendencies toward his younger sister. With no one else to turn to, she resorted to leaving him a hospital for him to become a ward of the state. After that, he began posing as a non-threatening child who was in need of help. However, he would only prove to be a fatal mistake for the families that would offer him shelter for the night, with the mothers always showing the most overkill. You were just happy to know that there was one less murderous soul out in the world and also thankful for the successful case. It felt good to be back in the game.

The team arrived back at the BAU at around 3:00 pm, and many team members, including yourself, began the usual bundle of paperwork that followed a case. However, the boring paperwork came with some news that would prove for an interesting night. 

"Everyone! After our successful case in the midwest, I would like to have everyone over at my place for some carbonara and drinks at 7:00 o'clock tonight!" Rossi announced. You were instantly in, you hadn't gone out with the team, or had a drop to drink, in so long. You were ready to go out and have some fun.

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