Brat (Chapter 7)

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Hey, lovelies! Welcome to my 7th part. I hope some of you are actively following along! If you aren't and you just discovered my story, I update pretty regularly so come back soon for my next chapter! Light smut warning for this chapter.


You were awoken by the sound of a phone ringing. Spencer groggily lifted his head and grabbed at his phone on the nightstand. Once he answered you knew there was a case. As soon as he hung up you knew you wouldn't be far behind, but then it hit had no more clothes in your go-bag. You were going to have to run home before going to Quantico.

As if on cue, your phone rang, informing you of the same case that Spencer had just heard about seconds before. Once you hung up you looked to Spencer, who was running his long fingers through his messy brown hair. You leaned over and kissed him, his hands immediately cupping both sides of your face. As much as you wanted to melt into him at this moment, you knew you had to go.

You pulled away and looked into his brown eyes. "Spence I have to go back to my apartment before I head to work, I don't have any more clothes..." You looked at you longingly, you both wanted to stay there for a little while longer, but alas, the case needed both of you.

You climbed out of bed and disappeared into his bathroom. Slipping on your bra and some socks, preparing to look somewhat presentable enough to make a mad dash home in a cab. Spencer walked in behind you once you had finished putting on your extra clothes, locking eyes with you in the mirror. "Do you want me to give you a ride? It won't take long to get everything I need ready and I would understand if you didn't want to take a cab right now." knew that sounded amazing. In all reality, you didn't want to take a cab, it was the last thing you wanted to do at 6 am. You were tired enough from the back to back cases you were having to handle, and the unreliability of a cab at this hour is something you didn't need. However, you also didn't want Spencer to be late because of you. And the awkwardness that would happen if you walked in late the same time. After what Morgan and Prentiss witnessed in Alaska you knew they would start to ask questions regarding the relationship between you and Spencer if that happened.

Spencer could tell you were analyzing the situation in your brain. You put his hand on your cheek. "Well, I don't know why I asked because I am not going to take no for an answer. Where did you live?" You gave him your apartment address and you could see him start to think, before looking at you. "Given that your apartment is approximately 5.7 miles away and the traffic at this hour is fairly light, I think we could be on time if you both hurry!" he said turning out of the bathroom and headed for his dresser. As he was getting dressed he spoke up, "Give me five minutes and 36 seconds!" he said without turning around.

You loved Spencer's nerdy genius rambles he would go on, and these little ones were no exception. However, you wondered how he knew exactly 5 minutes and 36 seconds. Did he actually calculate that or was he messing with you? You genuinely had no idea.

In record time he was done getting ready, and he looked about the same as he always did, granted his hair was slightly messier. You weren't surprised by his efficiency, but it still initially took you by surprise. He grabbed his keys and looked over to you, "Let's go!" You both speed-walked to his car and you got into the passenger side. Within minutes you had arrived at your apartment complex. Spencer waited for you in the car as you jumped out and headed for your apartment. You were dressed in a flash, with light, quick makeup, and your professional attire. You threw some reliable clothes in your go-bag and headed for the door, you couldn't have spent more than 10 minutes in your apartment.

It wasn't long before Spencer pulled into the parking lot at the BAU headquarters. He turned off the car, and before you could exit, you pecked him on the cheek, causing him to blush slightly. As you both headed for the door, you wondered if the team would think anything of you arriving at the same time, but then again, they would only see you walk out of the elevator together. You both rode up to the floor of the BAU and headed straight for the conference room. Luckily, a couple of team members hadn't arrived, as Morgan and Prentiss weren't yet to be seen. No one seemed to suspect anything, but they also had no reason to think anything of you and Spencer. You felt relieved, you didn't realize who anxious you were about someone figuring out that you and Spencer had an actual date last night. You didn't yet know what to call your relationship with him, but you knew you didn't want the team to know. Once the last remaining team members arrived, JJ began discussing the case.

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