Missing (Chapter 14)

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It had been one month since that case in San Francisco, and life was seeming to be great. Everyone's suspicions calmed as time passed on, and you and Spencer remained as happy as ever. The teamed had successfully solved more cases, and things were seemingly going well for the BAU.

Well...not for long...

You were getting ready for another day of work. Prepping your go-bag, applying your makeup, putting on your usual business attire, and fixing your freshly washed hair. Once you had everything in order, you exited your apartment and headed for your car, eager to start the day. 

You were almost there when it happened. You felt the cold hands slide around you...the sharp pain growing in your neck...the fear run through your body...within seconds, the world as you knew it turned black.


The BAU, That Same Morning...

"Hey, has anyone seen (Y/N) this morning?" said JJ, looking around the bullpen. Prentiss looked up and around the bullpen, "I haven't heard from her all morning JJ, maybe she's having a late start?" she responded, not being able to hide the hint of concern in her voice.

"What about (Y/N)?" Spencer said eagerly, he had just walked up behind the two women. The two jumped before breathing a sigh of relief to see that it was Spencer. "Oh hey, Spence. It's just that we haven't seen her today," JJ said, looking over her shoulder to look him in the eyes. "I haven't either...I know she was planning on coming in today..." his response sounded strained. With the cases the team witnesses on a day-to-day basis, everyone always immediately thought that worst when something as simple as this happened. However, in this instance, it was with good reason.

"I...I'm going to call her," he said, then moving away to dial your number. Of course, there was no response, and he turned to shoot a concerned look at Emily and JJ. Prentiss immediately got out her phone to also tried your number, but she also came up with nothing. "She should've been here an hour ago...maybe someone should go to her apartment and check on her..." said JJ, obviously directing her words at Reid. No one could confirm anything about the relationship between (Y/N) and Reid, but they still knew that they were close friends. If anything, (Y/N) would probably be the most comfortable with him checking on her than anyone else. "Yeah...yeah, I'm going to go do that. If Hotch asks where I am will you tell him?" he said, they could see him becoming more nervous. "Of course, Spence," JJ said with a tight-lipped smile.

Spencer hastily walked out to his car and quickly pulled out of the parking lot. It wasn't like you to be late and not answer the phone. You were all taught at the academy to always have your phone on and to check in often. This behavior was not only completely unexpected out of you, but it was also unexpected of an agent.

Reid pulled into your apartment complex and practically ran to your door. He jammed in the key that you had given him earlier that month, trying to get in as fast as possible. He entered to find your apartment looking the same as it always does. Nothing to of order, no signs of forced entry...nothing. The only thing missing was you.

He pulled out his phone and called Emily, her picking up immediately. "Is she there?" she said as soon as she could speak. "No..." Spencer said shakily, "I'm guessing she isn't there either...?" "No, Spencer, she's not here...I'm going to have Garcia track her phone," she said

That's when Spencer noticed your phone in the parking lot as he was walking through your front doorway, he walked over to it to find that it was completely destroyed. He picked it up and one hand, almost crying at this point. "That won't do anything, Emily. Her phone is in the parking lot...destroyed..." he couldn't hide the shakiness of his voice at all anymore.

There was a pause for a moment, they both knew what was happening, they just didn't want to say it. They knew you had been taken. They knew they couldn't track your phone...

But they had to find YOU

"Okay, Reid. Get back here asap. We're going to treat this like we would any other. This is a case now, and we have to solve it," Prentiss said, trying to bring assurance. Reid just hung up. He stood in the parking lot for a moment, in shock...in fear. He loved you so much, and the thought of you in pain...of someone hurting you? Well, it hurt him too. He quickly snapped out of his trance and ran to his car. He was on a mission to find you, and that mission had to start with the team at the BAU.


You woke chained to a bed in a dimly lit room. There were no windows, only rocky walls. The air was heavy and felt humid around you. You had no idea where you could possibly be. Your clothes had been removed mostly, leaving you only in your bra and panties. You felt exposed and afraid, not being able to move to cover your body.

You wondered who could be behind this. A past unsub? Maybe a victim that went sideways? A family member of someone you couldn't save? A shiver ran up your spine. You looked around for some piece of indication, however, the rocky walls and moist air could only give clues that this room was in a basement, which didn't give you much to go on.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the door finally opened. A man stepped inside the room and your blood ran cold.

It was your father.

You knew he would be released from prison one day, you knew that. But you also thought his prison would inform you if he was to be released early...his sentence was supposed to be 25 years. You never thought the day where you had to stand in front of your father once more would come this soon, and you didn't want it to. You did not want to see him. After the years of prison that he underwent because of you, you knew that he would be furious when he was finally let out. And you were right.

You let out a shakey sigh when you realized that you had never gotten to tell Spencer the full story of your father, only that the relationship between the two of you was destroyed. You wished to God you could've told him more, but right now, wishing wasn't going to do you any good. You just had to hope that the team's skills along with Garcia's computer magic could help you.

"It's about time I saw you again," he said in a deep voice. You were terrified. He was awful before...but now? He was only going to be worse. Now it was YOU that he had a problem with.

"Father..." It was all you could manage to say before he brought a fist down on your face. You let out a cry as you felt that pain ring through your face. "That's all you can say? You haven't seen me in 15 YEARS!" He punched you again, this time in the gut. The cramp from his swing ran through your body.

"I'm sorry dad...I'm sorry. Grandma wouldn't let me visit and-" He cut you off. "So that's where you ran off to... you grandmothers. I knew they wouldn't find your son-of-a-bitch mother even if they tried," he said with a poison laugh.

"And I WASN'T HER DAD," you yelled. He slammed a fist into you again. "BUT YOU CERTAINLY ACTED LIKE HER," he roared. "Setting me up for the police? Betraying me? Getting me sent to PRISON FOR GOD'S SAKE? HOW can I even call you my daughter?"

"You didn't give me a choice dad. She left, so fucking what? You could've moved on, you could've continued to care about me...but NO. You sulked. You drank too much. You did TOO MANY FUCKING DRUGS. I WAS 13! I couldn't keep taking the abuse-". "Oh, you thought that was abuse? You have no idea..."

He turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him. You were shaking. You were so angry and scared and sad. You couldn't take it. You started to cry, sobs sitting in your throat. Your only hope was the team, and also that your father's torture would last long enough for them to find you.


Hey guys! I'm sorry the last two chapters have been shorter than usual. I've been pretty busy with school and my family so I've had less time than usual. I plan on continuing my schedule of updating every two days though, so I should have a new part out Sunday. I hope that you'll be back on my page then to see what happens!

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