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Today me and my Pokemon friends are outside on an opened field and right now I'm Ditto.

Today me and my Pokemon friends are outside on an opened field and right now I'm Ditto

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And today we are playing a fun acvtivaty game.

Ditto prime: all right, is everyone ready?

All: yes!

Ditto prime: let's play!

I threw the ball to the ground and it's rolling towards Ditto #4 and with one kick the ball flew high up in the air the the Dittos was trying to catch while Ditto #4 was running to home base.

Ditto #5: I got it!

Ditto #6: no I got it!

Ditto #7: no, me!

The three of them was trying to catch the ball but failed.

Tom: Ditto #4 have made it to the base! One point for Team A!

If you haven't already finger out or if you do were playing a game called kickball. Team A have 4 Dittos, Pop, Greninja, Pichu. Team B have 3 Dittos or should I say 4 because I'm a Ditto, Braixen, Eevee and Pheromosa and as for Tom he is the referee keeping counts.

Tom: Pop, you're up!

She was next and once she got to the spot I roll the ball and she use water gun and it flew high and far but she was out when Pheromosa ran to it and catches it.

Tom: Pheromosa has caught the ball! Your out Pop!

Pop: aww.

Ditto prime: you did your best Pop.

Next up was Ditto #2 and after I roll the ball he kicked it high and far but it went deep in the forest.

Ditto #7: foul!

Ditto #2: no it wasn't!

Ditto #7: uhh, yeah it was.

Ditto #2: *push Ditto #7* no it wasn't!

Ditto#7: don't push me!

Ditto #2: you mean like this?

He pushed him again and eventually they started fighting.

Ditto prime: *sigh* Greninja and Tom, you two are with me to retrieve the ball while the rest of you stop those two from hurting each other because if one of them feels any pain, we all feel the pain.

Me, Greninja and Tom went deep in the forest to get the ball.

Tom: why die you asked us to go with you?

Ditto: because Tom I need you to describe a Pokemon in case one will attack us and Greninja will help by carrying us away because he's fast.

After about one minute we found the ball and I ran up to get it but when I stepped on these leaves that are in a pile I was lifted off the ground and was in a net.

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