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The battle begins with me running towards her with great speed, I also ran straight towards her. We were about to crashed into each other, but Sugar jumped and landed on top of me. She started bitting my back, I barked and tried to get her off of me but she grabbed on tight on my fur. I started moving and jumping around like a bull but she's still holding tight. Soon, I rolled and slammed on the ground and that got her off of me. She then used Tail Whip, but unfortunately I didn't feel anything because her tail is made out of soft fur.

Sugar: what? How did that not work?

Wildmutt: *alien dog noises*

Translation: it's probably because your tail is made out of soft fur. And that you are small.

Sugar:... I have no idea what you just said.

Aleon: he said it's probably because you're tail is made out of soft fur. And that you are small. And you are weak.

Wildmutt: *alien dog noises*

Translation: I did not say that last part.

Aleon: he just said you're shiny fur is not pretty.

Wildmutt: *alien dog noises*

Translation: f*ck you, Aleon!

Sugar: I'll show you weak!

She jumped high in the air and used Body Slam, she slammed me on the ground and despite her size she is heavy. Sugar then started scratching me and again, what is it with them and scratching? I got her off me and she used Double Kick, she tried landing a kick on me but I simply dodged them thanks to my enhanced reflexes. When she was about to kick my face I grabbed her leg with my front paws and started smashing her against the ground repeatedly. She managed to get out of my grasp and used Last Resort, a giant star is hurling towards me. I just simply dodged it, the star exploded and there's thick layer of smoke and dust everywhere.

Sugar: dang it! That was my Last Resort!

Ribbon: your attack move or your actual last resort to win?

Sugar: both!

Now, some of the Eeveelutions can't see through this smoke, but I can. I am simply standing my ground, listening and looking through my 3D mapping vision for Sugar. But then I heard running, she's doing a suprice sneak attack from behind.

Wildmutt: *alien dog thinking*

Translation: (I can hear and see you.)

I moved to the left dodging Sugar and then bite her, I started moving my head left and right like a dog does to a chew toy, Sugar is my chew toy. About a second later I let go of her, sending her crashing on the ground. She was struggling to get up, and she finally stand up right. Just one more hit and it will be all over.

Sugar: I had enough of this! Let's do this the old fashioned way. We ram into each other to see which one of us can stand a head butt!

Wildmutt: *alien dog noises*

Translation: with pleasure.

We both are pawwing on the ground, like a bull. We stared at each other and we both ran at the same time. We let out our mighty rour while running at great speed, about seconds later we head-butt each other, creating a small gust of strong wind. After about ten seconds of growling each other, Sugar's leg started wobbling and has fainted on the ground. Eyes all swirly and said her species name one more time.

Flair: Sugar is unable to battle! And since he has beaten us all, he is the winner!

I did it, I beat all the Eeveelutions and won! I let our a victory rour and transform back into ChamAlien.

I did it, I beat all the Eeveelutions and won! I let our a victory rour and transform back into ChamAlien

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Ribbon walked up to me and is holding something, she told me to pull out my hand. I did and in my hand is a Special-specific Z-Crystal, it's brown and has a picture of an Eevee's tail.

 I did and in my hand is a Special-specific Z-Crystal, it's brown and has a picture of an Eevee's tail

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Ribbon: this is an Eevium Z, it only works on Eevee. You earn it.

ChamAlien: thank you. And is Sugar gonna be all right?

Aleon: yeah, she just have a headache. She'll be fine.

ChamAlien: also you know I didn't say those mean things to her.

Aleon: I know, I just wanna spice up the battle.

I just sigh, not saying anything because I'm too tired. Once we said goodbye to each other I picked up my stuff and headed home. The sun is is burning but I just fought nine Pokemon in one day without a break, really puts a hurt on the muscles. I started walking back home after a hard battle of battling Shiny Eeveelutions.

To Be Continued...

An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now