Water Crystal

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Eevee: *sniff * *sniff *

ChamAlien: any luck Eevee?

Eevee: yeah I got a sense of a Z-Crystal is this way.

We followed Eevee for the next Z-Crystal it started when there's no school day me and my Pokemon decided to look around the island that we haven't seen after a few hours Eevee's nose started catching a sent after a few minutes of following her we stopped when a young boy with green hair was in our way while walking.

Hau: wow what kind of Pokemon is that?

ChamAlien: wait I'm not a Pokemon!

Hau: and it talks must be a really rare Pokemon! I must catch it! Dartix I choose you!

Out of the pokeball came a green owl with hair, if I learned anything at school it's a evolution of Rowlet.

Out of the pokeball came a green owl with hair, if I learned anything at school it's a evolution of Rowlet

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Hau: Dartix use tackle!

The olw Pokemon started flying twords me but I managed to doged it

ChamAlien: oh you done it now! Going hero!

Froakie: going hero?

ChamAlien: I haven't said that in a while give so me a break.

A green flash went by and I turned into...

A green flash went by and I turned into

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Hau: it evolved already!? Dartix, use peck!

Dartix flew closer to me but I managed to doged it by flying as I was flying Dartix coming right at me. I then shoot energy beam put of my mouth but he doged it and started peaking on me.

Astrodactyl: hey! Ow! Squawk! Cut it out man! Squawk!

I grabbed him and threw him off me.

Hua: Dartix use razor leaf!

Dartix fired orange leafs that looks sharp I managed to hit them all with me energy whips. I then wrapped Dartix with an energy whip and started spinning him around and threw him at the ground and hitting something or someone.

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