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The next day I woke up but I'm chamalien now and I'm not underwater everything around me is nothing but darkness I yelled out Pop name but she's not here instead I heard a voice it was my mom

ChamAlien: Mom?

Mom: son it that you?

ChamAlien: yes it's me but I go bye me aliens name

Mom: why did you leave us let us die?

ChamAlien: it wasn't me! It was albedo he teamed up with vilgax and killed me!

Mom: you had a chance to stop it but you didn't!

ChamAlien: no it wa-

???: it's all your fault!

I turned around to see azmuth

Azmuth: you don't deserve the Omnitrix!

ChamAlien: no I-

I didn't finish my sentence because there's more people saying all my fault I let them down.

???: all your fault!

???: you let us die!

???: your a monster!

ChamAlien: no! No! Noooo!

Ampfibian: nooo!

I yelled I looked around and I'm still Ampfibian and I'm underwater inside a cave with Pop it was all just a nightmare. I looked up the surface and it looks like it's morning I shook pop trying to wake her up.

Ampfibian: Pop. Pop wake up!

Pop: *yawn* Ampfibian, is it morning time?

Ampfibian: yes, come on let's head up.

We swam up the surface and I decided to stay in this form for now. We looked around to find some breakfast until I spotted a coconut with a weird shape that looks like it has a mouth. I grabbed the coconut try to pulled it out but to my suprice it has eyes and it blinked.

???: hey who's pulling our tail?!

I look up to see a Pokemon that looks like a palm coconut tree.

I look up to see a Pokemon that looks like a palm coconut tree

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Ampfibian: oh sorry I didn't mean to do that.

Middle head: it's ok it happens.

Right head: yeah it always happened.

Ampfibian: right anyway do you guys know any normal coconuts or fruits around here?

Left head: yeah man we just passed a bush filled with yummy berries. You just gotta go straight and passed a big rock and boom! Berries man.

Ampfibian: thanks. Oh and one more thing who are you?

Ichi: I'm Ichi the middle head and in chard of this body.

An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now