The story is about a young person who was once a hero and a human in his dimension, but was stabbed to death and his soul is now in the Omnitrix and his home dimension is gone. Now, he ended up in another dimension where these weird creatures called...
It's a nice afternoon in Alola Region in Akala Island, the humans, the Pokemon's, and the normal animals (which I'm suprice it exists in this dimension/world) are getting ready to sleep, but not us just yet. Were out here looking for one Z-Crystal and for some reason I feel like this the last. Wonder why's that? Oh well.
ChamAlien: any luck?
Sylvia: *sniff* nothing yet *sniff* wait! *big sniff* now there is, come on!
We followed Sylvia and by the time she stopped, she pointed up. We looked up and saw a purple snake-like Pokemon sleeping on a branch.
ChamAlien: Tom, who's that Pokemon?
Abatoon: ha! References.
Tom: that's an Ekans, the Poison type Pokemon.
ChamAlien: Ekans? (Sounds like snake in backwards.)
Braixen: should we wake it up?
???: no need to do that, I'm already up.
The snake Pokemon woke up and by the sound of it's voice, it's a female.
???: plus I already know what came here for and who you are.
ChamAlien: prove it.
???: you came here on Akala Island of the Z-Crystalsss and you're name isss ChamAlien. Aka, The One Who Is Many. Alssso the one who looksss like your jacking off, but in reality you were jussst unlocking a new alien.
ChamAlien: how did you know that?! Was it that Deino? Did it told you that?
???: no, I saw it.
Here body started glowing and she just turn into a Deino.
ChamAlien: what-
Greninja: the-
Bolt: heck?!
Sylvia: you were supposed to say f*ck at the end, Bolt!
Bolt: I like heck better.
All of us were shocked/suprice on what we just witness.
???: you also fought a Steel type Pokemon with that new alien called Metalium.
Her body started glowing again and this time it's a Fomantis that is probably the same one after the battle.
???: and you went to the cave for this year's fashion show, and won.
Body glowed again and it was a Lycanroc.
???: and here you are, about to fight me.
ChamAlien: who are you and what are you?!
Zyla: my name is Zyla and I-
She jumped off the tree and her body begins to glow, revealing her true form. Once she landed on the ground she was now a fox-like Pokemon with large, red claws, voluminous mane with black tips and resembles a ponytail.
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