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It's a nice afternoon in Alola Region in Akala Island, the humans, the Pokemon's, and the normal animals (which I'm suprice it exists in this dimension/world) are getting ready to sleep, but not us just yet. Were out here looking for one Z-Crystal and for some reason I feel like this the last. Wonder why's that? Oh well.

ChamAlien: any luck?

Sylvia: *sniff* nothing yet *sniff* wait! *big sniff* now there is, come on!

We followed Sylvia and by the time she stopped, she pointed up. We looked up and saw a purple snake-like Pokemon sleeping on a branch.

ChamAlien: Tom, who's that Pokemon?

Abatoon: ha! References.

Tom: that's an Ekans, the Poison type Pokemon.

ChamAlien: Ekans? (Sounds like snake in backwards.)

Braixen: should we wake it up?

???: no need to do that, I'm already up.

The snake Pokemon woke up and by the sound of it's voice, it's a female.

???: plus I already know what came here for and who you are.

ChamAlien: prove it.

???: you came here on Akala Island of the Z-Crystalsss and you're name isss ChamAlien. Aka, The One Who Is Many. Alssso the one who looksss like your jacking off, but in reality you were jussst unlocking a new alien.

ChamAlien: how did you know that?! Was it that Deino? Did it told you that?

???: no, I saw it.

Here body started glowing and she just turn into a Deino.

ChamAlien: what-

Greninja: the-

Bolt: heck?!

Sylvia: you were supposed to say f*ck at the end, Bolt!

Bolt: I like heck better.

All of us were shocked/suprice on what we just witness.

???: you also fought a Steel type Pokemon with that new alien called Metalium.

Her body started glowing again and this time it's a Fomantis that is probably the same one after the battle.

???: and you went to the cave for this year's fashion show, and won.

Body glowed again and it was a Lycanroc.

???: and here you are, about to fight me.

ChamAlien: who are you and what are you?!

Zyla: my name is Zyla and I-

She jumped off the tree and her body begins to glow, revealing her true form. Once she landed on the ground she was now a fox-like Pokemon with large, red claws, voluminous mane with black tips and resembles a ponytail.

 Once she landed on the ground she was now a fox-like Pokemon with large, red claws, voluminous mane with black tips and resembles a ponytail

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An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now