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Death, lots and lots of death that is caused by the Pokemon's that has been experimented and tortured by the humans, but now that their free the can have their revenge on them. In the office we see Alpha packing everything in a suitcase and putting some important papers in his briefcase has he is about to leave this place.

Alpha: damn it! All the hard work and people I recruited was a waste!

He quickly looked at the security cameras on the screen and saw all the guards and scientists being killed by the Pokemon's, he even saw some of them trying to leave but was killed.

Alpha: and it's all that little Eevee fault! How could one small Pokemon do all this?!

As he continues to pack everything and leave he look at the brochure of Alola. He thought to himself if he goes there he could recruit more people and capture some Pokemon on that Region. Meanwhile outside far of his office we see Eevee running through the halls and in those halls was two guards firing tranquilizers at her but no effect.

Guard #1: why the hell is it not going to sleep?!

Guard: I don't know! Just keep-

He couldn't finish his sentence when Eevee jumped at him and started scratching his face. The second guard tried to help him by reaching down and grabbed Eevee, but Eevee bit down on the other guards hand and ripped off his arm. He screamed in pain and Eevee did it again with his other arm, and then both of his legs and eventually he died of blood loss and losing important limbs.

Leafeon: man, humans are so fragile.

Jolteon: tell me about it.

They then heard someone trying to get up, they turned around qnd saw the other guard that Eevee was scratching and bitting him. Eevee walked up to him but the guard grabbed his tranquilizer gun and started shooting Eevee, but it has no effect and eventually it ran out.

Guard: sh*t!

He tried to stand up but Eevee stopped him.

Guard: w-w-what t-the hell... are yo-

His sentence was cut off when Eevee stabbed his neck with her sharp claws, got closer to his face before saying one word.

Eevee: deeeeath!

She ripped out his throat and lots of blood came out of him as he slowly dies. She then spotted a door and has a sign that said office, we walked closer to it and gotten ready to kill Alpha.

Eevee: this is it. It's time to kill him for what he has dome to me and other Pokemon's that he tortured.

Espeon: well be cheering you on Eevee.

Vaporeon: good luck in there.

She nodded with a smile and gotten ready to go in there. Meanwhile, in the office Alpha is sone packing everything to leave. He pressed a red button to activate a secret elevator that is hidden behind the walls.

Alpha: I knew adding that secret escape elevator would come in handy some day.

And before he could get in he said one last thing to the secret underground lab and Region before going to Alola.

Alpha: good bye lab and Hoenn! And hello new lab and Alone Region!

He started walking in the elevator but stopped when he heard his door being kicked opened. He looked and saw it was Eevee and she is pissed as Hell while Alpha is also pissed.

Alpha: you! You're the one that did all this!

Eevee: and you're the one that gave me 7 voices in my head, tortured me and every Pokemon in this place!

An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now