The mall

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So we have finally arrived at the mall and it's my first time seeing and going there. We are now inside and the kids are amazed by this.

Snow Ball: wow. What is this place?

Turtonator: this is a mall. A place where you can look or buy some stuff you need.

Cube: what do we do now?

ChamAlien: I got it. We should go into groups, the girls will go in a different way while us boys will go to a different way. We'll meet back hear around in 1:00 pm.

They agreed with my idea and went into groups. The girls to the left while us boys went to the right, gonna do our own things.

Kiawe: so, where to first?

Sophocles: not sure. There so many places to be.

Ash: how about there?

He pointed at a store that sells some unique items, plus it looks cool. We all agreed and went in, inside we see tons of cool items and there was a man putting items on the shelves. And next to him is a candle-like Pokemon.

ChamAlien: *whispering* Tom, what kind of Pokemon is that?

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ChamAlien: *whispering* Tom, what kind of Pokemon is that?

Tom: *whispering* Litwick, the Candle Pokemon. A Ghost and Fire type. The flame on its head keeps its body slightly warm.

???: hello, welcome to our shop. My name I Liam and this is my Pokemon, Candle.

ChamAlien: (how original.)

Liam: what can we do you for?

Kiawe: were just here to look around, maybe find something we like.

Liam: of course, look around as you like.

He went back stacking the shelves and we started looking around. Pretty big place with lots of interesting items, even some Pokemon plush. There's even a Popplio plush, maybe I'll give that to Pop, as a reminder how far she went from being my friend to now my love.

ChamAlien: *whispering* hey Bolt.

Bolt: yeah?

ChamAlien: can you get that Popplio plush. I wanna give it to her.

Bolt: oki doki.

He grabbed the plush and will hold on to it till I pay for it. Or Ash, Kiawe, Sophocles will do it for me. I continue looking around the store, but then.

*munching noises*

I heard some munching noise. I followed the sound and when I got there I see a flouting Bounsweet, made out of metal, and bite marks, like it's been bitten off. It them got bitten off again and I know who it is. It's one of The Ice Pack kids, but don't know who is doing it.

ChamAlien: *whispering* what are you doing?!

I whisper shout at which one of The Ice Pack is eating it.

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